In an interview with Radio Kossuth, the Prime Minister spoke about the diplomatic and economic tasks facing the country, the European Parliament elections in June and the situation in the EU, reported Magyar Nemzet.
Migration, LGBTQ
Viktor Orbán spoke about the coming European Parliament elections in early June pointing out that many of the currently active European politicians want to survive these.
When there are no elections, you can mimic, but when there are elections, you have to talk to the people. But people do not understand the language of thieves that is used in Brussels. We must start speaking the language of the people”,
said the Prime Minister.
He continued by saying that the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen had finally admitted to what the Brussels body really has against the Hungarians, namely, that we do not allow migrants into the country and LGBTQ activists into educational institutions.
But there is no money in the world that we would let migrants into the country and LGBTQ propagandists into schools”,
– the prime minister stressed, alluding to the 20 billion Euros that are still withheld by the European Commission due to their alleged rule-of-law concerns. Viktor Orbán emphasized that the above issues are more important than money. In his view, it had long been known that what is being put forward by Brussels politicians as the reason for blocking EU money was all nonsense.
National Consultation
The prime minister recalled that in the West the phenomenon of the “nation” is considered to be only a few hundred years old, while in Hungary it goes back a thousand years. The national consultation (a non-binding referendum recently conducted by the government) shows that there is still a sense of belonging, which is a huge advantage, Mr Orbán pointed out. He said that the fact that more than one and a half million people had returned the national consultation forms had triggered a positive action. He believes that the fact that together we have overcome the difficulties of recent years is a confirmation of the Hungarian people’s abilities.
Teachers’ Pay Rise
“This year we will be at the forefront of economic growth in Europe. I also see a chance of that. The lesson is that it is good to have EU money, but it is not a lot of money compared to the size of the Hungarian economy”, Mr Orbán said. He reminded that the money not only comes from the EU, but we also have to pay it into the common budget, so the net amount is much less than the gross amount. The government had a six-year program to raise teachers’ salaries, and this EU money will allow it to be completed in three years, which is why EU money is important, the Prime Minister pointed out.
Speaking about the planned salary rise for those working in education, Viktor Orbán said that the most important thing is to see the positive effects of this on our children, while at the same time, the whole country respects its teachers. Teaching can be quite an attractive career today,” the prime minister pointed out. He also mentioned that there is also an ongoing three-year wage increase program for nurses, which could be completed this year.
The Prime Minister stressed that in 2024
the right balance must be found between supporting growth and containing inflation.
He indicated that the minister of economic affairs is responsible for economic growth and that he has to do this. He said that the risk of a return to inflation is minimal, hence the common goal is to calmly and gradually help the economy grow. He stressed that there is a special package from the government to support economic growth.
Via Magyar Nemzet; Featured Image: MTI/Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda