
UK Government backs investment event in Leeds

Almost every city and region across the UK is set to be involved in a major event titled UKREiiF (The UK’s Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure Forum) as they look to showcase opportunities to attract inward investment into their region, aimed at creating transformational, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth.

Almost 12,000 domestic and international attendees will head to Leeds in May 2024 for a three-day event where UK cities and regions will highlight opportunities and ambitions across numerous sectors, including housing, advanced manufacturing, life sciences, technology, healthcare, energy, retail and high streets, infrastructure, leisure, and hospitality, industrial, and more.

A key theme of the event will be to look forward to ‘The Next 5 Years Ahead’ – looking to share ideas to accelerate and unlock development in key areas like social housing and green infrastructure while delving into the challenges and barriers behind these, such as funding and planning resources.

The net zero agenda and social value will also feature heavily on the programme, with several COP-like pledges set to be made by the industry to bring forward innovative solutions to our biggest challenges as a nation.

Launched in 2022, the event is held over three days and brings together the public and private sectors, with all of the UK’s cities and regions represented alongside the UK Government and the numerous governmental departments.

Over 700 speakers will be involved across 30 stages with speakers already confirmed including The Rest Is Politics stars Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart, in addition to the Shadow Minister for Climate Change Kerry McCarthy.

Mayors from numerous devolved authorities have already announced they’ll be attending, including Mayor Tracy Brabin of West Yorkshire, Mayor Oliver Coppard of South Yorkshire, and Nik Johnson of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Having grown from 3,500 attendees in 2022 to 7,500 in 2023, the event in 2024 is set to attract over 12,000 to Leeds. In addition to 12,000 attendees, the event is set to attract a further 3,000 people to the city to enjoy the fringe events across the city, with £20m set to be generated for the local Leeds community. The event generated £2.25m in social impact in 2023 for the local economy.

By Mark Adair – Correspondent, Bdaily

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