FundsTaxpayer funds Phd in ‘how gardens can cultivate queer anti-racist communities’May 10, 2024182Matt Goodwin, an author and professor of politics, said: “This is what happens when universities lean strongly to the Left.“For...
BankingBank of England spends over £600k a year on diversity, equity and inclusion staffOctober 7, 202390The Bank of England (BoE) is spending £645,424 a year on diversity, equity and inclusion hires, according to a freedom...
InvestingWoke banks are ‘putting Britain at risk by refusing to invest in defence’ because they are worried about environmental and social issuesJuly 29, 202379Government growing concerned about refusal of the City to back British firmsCity Minister and Defence Minister said 'defence needs an...
BankingMetro Bank ‘prevents gender-critical parents group from opening account’July 4, 2023107When on the phone with a Metro manager, Mr Jordan, a former teacher and businessman, claims he was told that...
BankingBrexiteers and gender-critical vicar have bank accounts pulledJuly 1, 202395He said: “It’s the kind of thing you’d expect in Communist China, not a supposedly free country like ours.“The Treasury...
BankingBuilding society admits it would closes customers’ accounts if they are ‘rude or discriminate’June 30, 202367A leading building society has revealed that it closes customers’ accounts if they engage in “rude” or “discriminatory” behaviour.The Yorkshire...
FundsRon DeSantis vetoes black history schemes fundingJune 16, 202385Ron DeSantis has vetoed funding for black history programmes and targeted Donald Trump’s backers in a record-high state budget aimed...
MoneyRon DeSantis bans Florida colleges from spending money on diversity teachingMay 16, 2023116Florida governor Ron DeSantis has signed a law banning state-run colleges from spending money on diversity, equity and inclusion programmes.Mr...