archivewestern europe


Europe’s banks heading into precarious times, experts warn

Europe’s banking sector has proved remarkably resilient in the face of recent macroeconomic headwinds, but there are still significant uncertainties and downside risks Banks are heading into a precarious time as the impact of higher interest rates on loan books starts to take effect Higher geopolitical risks may impact the overall operating environment and contribute to higher-for-longer interest rates, a higher cost of risk and asset quality deterioration Experts anticipate the deterioration of banks’ asset quality and loan books as high interest rates and geopolitical tensions persist, and expect a...

PSD3 tries to keep pace with open banking expansion

Europe is likely to retain open banking’s largest market share, supported by incoming Payment Services Directive regulation The UK offers successful examples for open banking use cases, as its industry bodies continue working to make payments safer and more frictionless A focus on building consumer trust can speed up the open banking adoption curve and enable more use cases The adoption of the third iteration of the Payment Services Directive may be seen in 2025, which — among other changes — looks to improve the framework for open banking, a...
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