CurrenciesSOFTS-Arabica coffee falls 5%, hits lowest in 15 monthsOctober 28, 2022115NEW YORK/LONDON, Oct 28 (Reuters) - Arabica coffee futures on ICE fell 5% on Friday to their lowest price in...
CurrenciesSOFTS-Raw sugar falls to two-week lows; cocoa risesOctober 24, 2022105NEW YORK/LONDON, Oct 24 (Reuters) - Raw sugar futures on ICE fell to their lowest in more than two weeks...
CurrenciesBrazil’s Guedes says IMF overlooked inflation surge, praises Brazil for ‘acting early’October 11, 202298In a statement to the International Monetary and Financial Committee released by the IMF on Tuesday, Guedes cited a broadening...
CurrenciesBritain’s City Minister says he respects independent financial watchdogsOctober 11, 2022134A draft financial services and markets bill (FSMB) is before parliament for approval, giving UK financial regulators powers to amend...