EconomyWTO says China is backsliding on key reforms and lacks transparency on subsidiesJuly 17, 2024128The 173-page assessment – which, as is standard, was met with a 28-page response from the Chinese government – is...
FinanceFinland wary of China’s growing Russia trade ties amid Ukraine war, EU de-riskingMay 18, 202499Finland respects China's choice to further engage with Russia, but the close business ties between the two countries are not...
InvestingLeaving China, long-time EU trade group chief says investors remain keen, but with more reservationsFebruary 15, 2024124“It has been the most amazing journey,” the German executive spoke of his four decades in China, witnessing the country’s...
EconomyEU envoy slams China’s ‘obsession with national security’, questions economic reboundJanuary 17, 202463“The increased obsession with national security can be seen everywhere, cameras everywhere with facial recognition. The need, and this is...