

Roaring US economy and foreign murk feeds home bias

LONDON, Oct 18 (Reuters) - With the U.S. economy roaring at a faster pace than China and global politics increasingly hard to fathom, there's a feeling the best bet in town is to stick with U.S. stocks regardless of relative valuations.After another forecast-busting U.S. retail and industrial readings for last month, the Atlanta Federal Reserve's real-time economic growth estimate hit an annualised 5.4%, more than a point higher than China's equivalent.And all against a murkier international backdrop.The Gaza crisis throws yet another geopolitical imponderable into an already crowded and confusing...

Saudi Arabia considering investing in ‘Made in Italy’ fund

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki hold a joint press conference in Warsaw, Poland, July 5, 2023, REUTERS/Kacper Pempel/File Photo Acquire Licensing RightsEnergy projects focal point of agreementSaudis could invest in 'Made in Italy' fundPM has sought closer ties with Gulf countriesMILAN, Sept 4 (Reuters) - Italy and Saudi Arabia are in talks about a potential Saudi investment in Rome's new strategic fund, Italy's Industry Minister Adolfo Urso said on Monday, as the two signed a deal to forge closer economic relations, particularly in energy.The...
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