MortgagesMap reveals where house prices are rising according to UK’s biggest mortgage lenderJuly 5, 2024124HOUSE prices are on the rise in regions across the UK and are set to increase throughout the year, the...
EconomyBuilding more social housing could save NHS and DWP billionsMay 29, 2024114Big Issue’s blueprint for change is also calling for all political leaders to commit to ramping up building social housing...
Mortgages2024-2028 Housing Market Predictions: A Gradual Thaw With Added Challenges | U.S. News Housing Market IndexJanuary 23, 2024156Over the next five years, although some trends accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to influence real estate and...
MortgagesMore than three million making over $150,000 are still renting rather than buying a homeMarch 13, 202360Real estate developers are responding by buying up single-family homes and turning them into rental properties, or building amenity-filled apartmentsMany...