

Qatar is directly affecting the growing tide of antisemitism

An unprecedented wave of antisemitism has been rising in the United States, including violent protests, tent encampments, harassment of Jewish and Israeli students, and aggressive anti-Israel and anti-Jewish messages.Those who monitored Qatar's covert activity in the US and its massive financial influx saw it as a natural continuation of promoting extremist agendas under the guise of supporting science and students."Qatar had ideological goals, primarily to promote the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood," explained Dr. Charles Asher Small, CEO of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism (ISGAP), and...

Who funds American antisemitic and anti-Israel propaganda?

The success of the despicable anti-Israel and pro-Hamas protests on college campuses in the United States is related to the fact that they are not spontaneous at all but well organized and financed.During the wave of anti-Israel boycotts, Arab commentators and journalists published articles that exposed the propaganda in the USA and the money it invests in "education" in America. In 2019, a coalition of Arab countries in the Middle East - Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Bahrain, and Egypt - boycotted the principality of Qatar due to its support...
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