CurrenciesCould a U.K. Bond Crisis Happen in the U.S.? Policy Risk Abounds.October 24, 2022115Text size U.K. Prime Minister Liz Truss announced her retirement on Oct. 20. The country's crisis has Daniel Leal/ AFP...
BankingFund managers bullish on UK stocks despite political turmoilOctober 24, 202286UK stocks have been among some of the least loved investments this year, with funds focused on domestic companies bleeding...
FinanceFCA labelling on ESG threatens to show up EU frameworkOctober 20, 2022129The Financial Conduct Authority’s incoming ESG rules, which include green labels for UK funds, risk outshining the European Union's sustainable disclosure...
InvestingThis U.S. pension plan faces a bigger crisis than the U.K.’sOctober 18, 2022122Could the U.S. pensions behemoth be hit by the kind of crisis that just swept across the U. K.?Don’t bet...
MoneyBillionaire fund BlueCrest has doubled its money, report saysOctober 6, 2022150Billionaire Michael Platt’s hedge fund BlueCrest Capital has reportedly made double its money from betting against the debt markets, according...