

Saudi Arabia considering investing in ‘Made in Italy’ fund

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki hold a joint press conference in Warsaw, Poland, July 5, 2023, REUTERS/Kacper Pempel/File Photo Acquire Licensing RightsEnergy projects focal point of agreementSaudis could invest in 'Made in Italy' fundPM has sought closer ties with Gulf countriesMILAN, Sept 4 (Reuters) - Italy and Saudi Arabia are in talks about a potential Saudi investment in Rome's new strategic fund, Italy's Industry Minister Adolfo Urso said on Monday, as the two signed a deal to forge closer economic relations, particularly in energy.The...

Small funds eyeing big gains pile on Venezuela debt

Vendors prepare products at a store painted with Venezuelan and U.S. flags in Maracaibo September 12, 2008. REUTERS/Isaac Urrutia/File PhotoCARACAS/MADRID/NEW YORK, June 15 (Reuters) - Small funds and investors outside the United States are looking to increase their exposure to Venezuelan bonds, on the expectation of debt renegotiations or of legal action tied to a looming expiry of repayment rights, investors and four financial sector sources said.Many of the bonds are trading at pennies on the dollar after a default in 2017, compounded by 2018 sanctions from Washington that barred...
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