

LGIM to make changes to UK property fund

Legal & General Investment Management has proposed changes to its UK property fund by shifting from a direct property focus to include indirect property holdings through real estate investment trusts (Reits). This move would be referred to as PAIF Hybrid and would see it reduce its exposure to direct property investment to 45 per cent.The fund will also allocate 45 per cent to global Reits and place 10 per cent in cash.This comes as part of a commitment to continue providing investors with access to direct UK property investments and consider requirements for a daily dealing...

Treasury working ‘at pace’ to sort investment trust cost disclosures

The chancellor Jeremy Hunt has assured MPs that the Treasury and Financial Conduct Authority will work “at pace” to deliver much needed solutions to concerns about investment trust cost disclosures.  There are fears current European regulations (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) can make investment trusts appear too costly and put off investors. Conservative MP John Baron quizzed the chancellor at a Treasury Committee meeting last week (November 28). He said: “These rules are courtesy of overzealous regulation. You are fully aware of the importance of investment trusts; they are a third of all...

‘Could crypto assets become mainstream?’

There is a lot of hype about digital assets and it can be quite a confusing topic. If you plug those two words into a search engine you can be taken on a magical mystery tour, which risks leaving you more confused than before you started. So, following the recent news that the UK is pushing ahead with plans to regulate the crypto industry to “become a global crypto hub”, I thought I would try to clearly explain what we mean by digital assets, homing in on investment funds and looking...

Make the most of your cash

About UBS Financial Services Inc. The Resource Management Account (RMA), Business Services Account BSA and International Resource Management Account (IRMA) are...

Sukuk programme aims to boost UK property development

UK property development has been given an ethical boost with the launch of Autarky Sukuk, a programme of asset-backed securities that comply with Sharia principles.Autarky Capital Sukuk Plc, a type of asset-based security structured along Sharia finance values, aims to provide a choice for high-net-worth and sophisticated investors looking for an ethical way to generate returns. According to the founders, the proceeds from investments in the Sukuk will enable Autarky to supply funding to provide capital for the purchase, refurbishment or development of residential or commercial properties in the UK. Autarky intends to partner with external organisations and, through...
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