

Roaring US economy and foreign murk feeds home bias

LONDON, Oct 18 (Reuters) - With the U.S. economy roaring at a faster pace than China and global politics increasingly hard to fathom, there's a feeling the best bet in town is to stick with U.S. stocks regardless of relative valuations.After another forecast-busting U.S. retail and industrial readings for last month, the Atlanta Federal Reserve's real-time economic growth estimate hit an annualised 5.4%, more than a point higher than China's equivalent.And all against a murkier international backdrop.The Gaza crisis throws yet another geopolitical imponderable into an already crowded and confusing...

Odd bond calm loosening Fed squeeze

LONDON, Sept 20 (Reuters) - An eerie calm in U.S. Treasuries seems at odds with uncertainty about the end of the harshest tightening cycles in decades - but it's a lifebuoy for wider markets fearful of draining liquidity.Even though 10-year Treasury yields are clocking 15-year highs, visibility on medium-term growth, inflation, oil prices and government debt is foggy and the Federal Reserve remains coy about the precise end of its 18-month rate squeeze - bond market volatility has plummeted over the past month.The closely watched MOVE index (.MOVE) of implied...

Peak China gloom or geopolitical quagmire?

LONDON, Sept 13 (Reuters) - Whether China has become "uninvestable" or not, avoidance of the world's second-largest economy suggests the economic and political risks there have simply become too hard to assess.U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo's trip to China last month had promised some economic and trade detente between the two superpowers now at loggerheads. But it was quickly defined by her comment that more and more U.S. firms see China as "uninvestable" amid spying, fines, raids and other risks.While bricks-and-mortar investment, supply-chain exposure and stock listings have been under...
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