MortgagesDemonisation of landlords is putting middle classes at risk, says building society bossAugust 28, 202396Bank of England data show renters have a median household income of £24,000, compared with £52,500 for those with a...
Mortgages2024 Mortgage Forecast: When Will Rates Go Down?August 11, 2023218Mortgage Rates Forecast for March 2024 2024 Forecast 2025 Forecast Fannie Mae 6.2% 5.7% Mortgage Bankers Association 6.1%* 5.5%* National...
BankingDon’t be fooled by inflation – Britain is hurtling towards recessionJuly 22, 202391This has brought into play another abiding economic truism: that periods of excessive demand don’t just peter out and die...
MortgagesMortgage doom catastrophising is the latest British diseaseJune 20, 202390I don’t want to belittle the nature of today’s mortgage rate crisis. Many households are looking at real hardship.The Left-leaning...
MortgagesWhy UK mortgages put borrowers in more jeopardy from interest rate risesJune 15, 2023196To avoid the early repayment charge, borrowers can move house by moving their existing loan to a new property, getting...
InvestingThese are the best places to invest £250,000May 25, 202376Bricks and mortar for 6.5 per centIf you already have a healthy pension, Isa and investment portfolio you might decide...
MortgagesBarratt Developments points to signs of recovery in UK housing marketMay 3, 202397Barratt Developments has said sales have picked up and it will meet City profit expectations, with the UK’s largest housebuilder...
MortgagesUS banks lost money on mortgages for first time on recordApril 14, 202392Banks in the United States did not have the best year with the housing market in 2022, as they lost...
BankingReturn of the ‘holiday home mortgage’ as families favour British breaks over EuropeJanuary 24, 202397Mortgage lenders and property investors are backing a staycation boom this year as families favour UK holidays over expensive trips...
MortgagesIs the housing market about to crash?December 13, 202261“We’ve seen an unsustainable increase in home prices in recent years, outpacing salary growth that made it difficult for people...