CurrenciesNaira tumbles above the N2,000 mark against British poundJuly 11, 2024212The naira started Thursday’s session at the lower end of its range versus the British pound sterling and broke through...
CurrenciesHow the rupee has ‘strengthened’ under Modi government | Explained NewsApril 23, 2024195Between April-end 2014 and now – roughly the time the Narendra Modi-government has been in office – the rupee has...
CurrenciesIntra-day update: rupee marginally appreciates against US dollar – MarketsJanuary 3, 2024257The Pakistani rupee registered a marginal gain against the US dollar, appreciating 0.13% during the opening hours of trading in...
CurrenciesOpen-market: rupee edges higher against US dollar – MarketsDecember 21, 2023200The Pakistani rupee saw marginal improvement against the US dollar in the open market on Thursday, while the local currency...
CurrenciesOpen market: rupee gains marginally against US dollar – MarketsDecember 19, 2023222The Pakistani rupee registered marginal improvement against the US dollar in the open market on Tuesday, while the local currency...
CurrenciesOpen market: rupee unchanged US dollar – MarketsDecember 15, 2023120The Pakistani rupee remained unchanged against the US dollar in the open market on Friday, while the local currency inched...
BankingInter-bank update: rupee records gains against US dollar – MarketsNovember 29, 2023155The Pakistani rupee registered gains against the US dollar, appreciating 0.18% during the opening hours of trading in the inter-bank...
BankingInter-bank: rupee registers marginal improvement against US dollar – MarketsNovember 28, 2023144The Pakistani rupee registered a marginal gain against the US dollar as it appreciated 0.04% during the opening hours of...
BankingInter-bank update: rupee rises further against US dollar – MarketsNovember 21, 202392The Pakistani rupee registered gains against the US dollar, as it appreciated 0.13% during the opening hours of trading in...
BankingIntra-day update: rupee sees marginal improvement against US dollar – MarketsNovember 14, 202388The Pakistani rupee saw a slight improvement against the US dollar, as it appreciated 0.02% during opening hours of trading...