MoneyFrench and U.K. Elections Could Boost the Dollar and U.S. TreasuriesJune 28, 2024125About the author: Patti Domm is an Emmy Award-winning financial journalist.No matter the outcome of upcoming European elections, the immediate winner could...
BankingBarclays keeps bonuses at 100% of salary even after UK government lifts capApril 3, 2024242Barclays has maintained a 100% cap on banker bonuses, even after the UK government scrapped the limit in October as...
EconomyU.K. Economy Offers Conservatives Few Options as a Tough Election NearsMarch 8, 2024181Tradition dictates that the United Kingdom chancellor is allowed an alcoholic drink while delivering the government’s annual tax and spending...
EconomyOpinion: The U.S. economy needs older workers. Congress can help.February 21, 2024186More and more Americans previously relegated to the margins of the economy are successfully finding work. But for one group...
EconomyHigher inflation, much weaker growth: Brexit has hit the U.K. economy hard, says Goldman Sachs.February 12, 2024188The U.K. economy is now 5% worse off than it would have been had it never left the European Union...
BankingEuropean Banking Federation boss Wim Mijs: Brexit was ‘mutually destructive’February 5, 2024182“Ah yes, my favourite topic. I’ve been enjoying it so much — the discussion before and after 2016.”European Banking Federation...
FundsU.S. national debt hits record $34 trillion ahead of funding fight in CongressJanuary 2, 2024254WASHINGTON — The federal government’s gross national debt has surpassed $34 trillion, a record high that foreshadows the coming political...
BankingEU banks fear new clearing minimums could be rushed throughDecember 28, 2023193European bankers are concerned that the European Securities and Markets Authority could be given powers that would force them to...
FundsUK equity fund outflows hit £80bn since Brexit as investors stay sourDecember 14, 2023240UK equity funds are on track to post their worst-ever year of outflows, with the total yanked out by investors...
FinanceCity’s caution over T+1 dashes hopes of Brexit dividendNovember 3, 2023100The government’s search for something that could be claimed as a potential Brexit dividend for the City is, frankly, not...