CurrenciesEU to take next step towards launching digital version of euroJune 28, 2023188The EU will take the next crucial step on Wednesday towards launching a digital version of the euro, a controversial...
CryptocurrencyCBDC is coming to Europe, but are we ready for it?June 21, 202382 In the final session of the evening in breakout room 2 for EBAday day one, ‘What is the outlook...
MoneyHow to get an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) license in Europe?June 18, 2023175In recent years, the European financial landscape has experienced a significant shift with the rapid growth of electronic money institutions...
EconomyIndia’s internet economy to reach US$1 trillion by 2030 says Google reportJune 6, 202399A continued shift in consumer behavior and evolution of the business ecosystem will underpin the growth of India’s internet economy,...
BankingThe Future of Digital Banking in Europe 2023June 5, 2023118A Money20/20 Europe Special Edition Growth across the European fintech industry is fluctuating, and it is becoming increasingly evident that...
BankingOne in three UK banking customers still use physical channelsMay 30, 202387 Despite a dramatic shift to digital channels in 2023, one in three UK banking customers still prefer a physical...
CryptocurrencyCrypto Chronicles: The Consultant’s ViewMay 30, 202372A few weeks ago, the Treasury's consultation into the Regulatory Regime for Cryptoassets closed. First published back in February, the consultation...
MoneyOn tech, the EU doesn’t speak for Europe – POLITICOMay 29, 202383Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. Alina Polyakova is the president and CEO of the...
InvestingIn what aspects do the UK and EU investment firm prudential regimes diverge?May 18, 202376Investment firms have very different business models and risk profiles to credit institutions. They facilitate savings and investment flows by...
InvestingEU lawmakers urge Commission to tax big biz in face of soaring debt – POLITICOMay 10, 202379BRUSSELS — European parliamentarians are calling on the Commission to introduce EU-wide taxes in order to cover soaring interest rates...