CurrenciesChina’s New Currency Peg | Council on Foreign RelationsApril 12, 2024183It is a given in polite economic society that China should move toward a more flexible exchange rate regime. The...
CurrenciesWhy the U.S. dollar remains a reserve currency leaderApril 4, 2024167Hirt: Several scenarios point to this possibility, but the probability and potential impact for each is different. The first and...
CurrenciesChina’s New Currency Playbook | Council on Foreign RelationsFebruary 5, 2024156There is little doubt that China rather actively managed its currency in 2023. For a period of time in the...
CurrenciesIs the US dollar on its way out?August 21, 202380Author: Michael G Plummer, Johns Hopkins UniversityThe United States has been instrumental in leading the post-war global economic system which...
CurrenciesThe Dollar: The World’s Reserve CurrencyJuly 19, 2023139Introduction Since the end of World War II, the dollar has been the world’s most important means of exchange. It...