

Column: Dollar demand to dampen US debt fears

ORLANDO, Florida, Aug 14 (Reuters) - In five years' time the U.S. government's annual interest bill on its debt is projected to reach $1 trillion, or 3% of GDP - impending fiscal catastrophe, as the first figure might imply, or manageable burden, as the second one indicates?U.S. debt sustainability is back in the spotlight after Fitch downgraded the U.S. credit rating this month. High interest rates and bond yields are increasing the amount Washington must pay to service the federal debt, which neither economic growth nor inflation look like sufficiently...

Column: Saudi output cut entices funds back into oil market

LONDON, July 17 (Reuters) - Portfolio investors surged back into petroleum as Saudi Arabia’s unilateral production cut removed much of the previous downside risk to oil prices from slowing economies in China and Europe.Hedge funds and other money managers purchased the equivalent of 115 million barrels in the six most important petroleum futures and options contracts over the seven days ending on July 11.The increase was among the largest recorded over the last ten years (the 14th largest out of 539 weeks since 2013) and points to a significant adjustment...

Column: Funds cashing in on large short dollar position

ORLANDO, Florida, July 16 (Reuters) - Hedge funds have been positioned for a weaker dollar all year and those bets are paying off handsomely, especially against the Mexican peso, Brazilian real and sterling.The latest Commodity Futures Trading Commission data for the week to July 11 show speculators' held their largest net long sterling position since 2007, and their biggest bullish bet on the Mexican peso and Brazilian real in three years.Overall, funds' net short dollar position against a range of currencies was worth some $13.17 billion, down slightly from $13.58...

Column: Oil investors less bearish after Saudi output cut extended

LONDON, July 10 (Reuters) - Portfolio investors tip-toed back into crude oil as Saudi Arabia extended its unilateral production cut for at least another month, dissipating some of the extreme pessimism gripping the market at the end of June.Hedge funds and other money managers purchased the equivalent of 47 million barrels in the six major petroleum futures and options contracts over the week ending on July 3-4.Buying was concentrated in crude (+52 million barrels) with purchases of Brent (+25 million) and NYMEX and ICE WTI (+27 million), according to exchange...
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