Smart Metering : UK Government Minister for Scotland, John Lamont, visits SMS Glasgow headquarters -November 10, 2023 at 05:47 pm EST

UK Government Minister for Scotland John Lamont last week visited the headquarters of SMS plc in Glasgow to meet employees and apprentices, and hear about the company’s work to drive forward the UK’s Net-Zero agenda.
As well as learning more about SMS’s activities to enable a smarter, greener, and more affordable energy system, the Minister had an opportunity to meet staff from across Glasgow and the West of Scotland who shared their experiences of working in the UK’s thriving sustainable energy sector.
This included hearing of the company’s work delivering the UK Government-mandated smart meter rollout, which helps equip end consumers and businesses with data and knowledge to manage and reduce energy consumption, carbon emissions, and costs. This has been particularly important over the last 18 months with rising energy prices having become increasingly symptomatic of the global climate crisis.
Last year, SMS partnered with the Purpose Coalition to launch a Levelling Up Impact Report to assess how our business was making a positive social impact and to evaluate our progress in making opportunity more accessible. It highlighted our investment in national energy infrastructure that drives carbon reduction, in turn driving job opportunities for many of those furthest away from a level playing field and providing support to UK communities where it is most needed.
The Minister serves in the Scotland Office, which ensures Scottish interests are fully and effectively represented at the heart of the UK government, and that the UK government’s responsibilities are fully and effectively represented in Scotland.
John Lamont, UK Government Minister for Scotland, said:
“It was great to see the fantastic work SMS plc is delivering to help businesses and households tackle climate change.
“The company and its workforce – including apprentices – gave me a fascinating insight into how it’s helping its customers reduce carbon emissions. The UK Government is committed to reaching net zero by 2050 and it’s heartening to see a Glasgow employer playing a key role in this while creating jobs and boosting the economy.”
Gail Blain, Chief Financial Officer at SMS, said:
“It was fantastic to welcome the Minister to our Glasgow head office to showcase our work and demonstrate how we are delivering new jobs and opportunities for people across Scotland and more widely across the UK. SMS is a key player in the energy industry and we’re committed to driving positive change both for the environment, and communities we operate in.”
Levelling Up Impact Report
Our Levelling Up Report, published in Westminster in 2022, assesses how our business – and the energy solutions sector more widely – is making a positive social impact amid the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.