
Women Against State Pension Injustice give update after investigation delays

Officials for WASPI (Women Against State Pension Injustice) have issued an update after a meeting with the Ombudsman team was sparked by yet more delays. The group is pushing to get justice and compensation in response to Department of Work and Pension (DWP) failures to properly notify of increases to the state pension age.

Those changes, which were not properly informed, meant some women only found out they needed to continue working for several more years just months before they thought they were due to retire. So far, the ombudsman has ruled that not enough notice was given to women regarding the pension age hike, which was increased by the DWP from 60 to 65 and then to 66.

The next stage will be to reconsider and rewrite his Stage 2 Report on the injustices caused by DWP maladministration. WASPI and two of its solicitors met with the Ombudsman’s team to highlight concerns over how long this is taking but were told legal restrictions meant only limited information could be shared with the group.

Read more: WASPI mum forced to sell her home after State Pension age changed by six years

Read more: DWP delayed PIP reviews cause people with disabilities and illnesses to miss out on £24m a month

However, it was noted that more may be shared with individuals whose complaints are being considered. A WASPI spokesperson said: “We were assured that the Ombudsman understands that his reconsideration must proceed with urgency so that decisions on remedying the injustices experienced by 1950s-born women as a result of maladministration are made as quickly as possible.

“Ombudsman staff told us that all relevant evidence gathered during their Stage 2 investigation is being reconsidered by them along with some new evidence, and in light of the concerns raised by WASPI and others. The Ombudsman has acknowledged our list of ten key steps that must be taken to produce a report that is lawful, thorough and fair.

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