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Anjali Das (Partner-Chicago) is published in the November 10,
2022, edition of Westlaw Today with her article
“I’ve got a pocketful of Cryptonite.” The article
explores the meaning and origins of digital assets, including
bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies, coins and fungible and
non-fungible tokens. Anjali makes “the business case for
blockchain,” already adopted in numerous industry sectors, but
also exposes the dark side of digital currency in disrupting
financial markets with the decentralized and anonymous nature of
transactions exploited by cybercriminals and terrorist
organizations. Other topics include the transfer of digital assets
and how crypto custody concerns have given rise to the need for
specialized products providing custody insurance, as consumers may
not receive the same legal protections found at traditional
financial firms. Anjali says while investors from Wall Street to
Main Street U.S.A. are embracing crypto investing, trading,
borrowing and lending in all its forms, the U.S. government and
central banks around the globe recognize the increasing need for
regulatory oversight of the crypto markets to rein in abuses and
excesses that could potentially destabilize conventional financial
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.
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