Uganda Corruption: Dictator Museveni Pardons Former Government Minister Convicted In Pension Scam Case

By Zacharia Kanyonyozi
Photos: Facebook\YouTube Screenshots
Gen. Museveni, popularly known as Papa Doc, is up to his old tricks by defending the corrupt. Oh yes, dictator Museveni is the biggest enabler of corruption in Uganda since corruption, it’s true, keeps his vampiric regime alive.
To ensure corruption remains the lifeblood of his despotic regime, dictator Museveni has recently pardoned Jimmy Lwamafa, (above) the former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Public Service.
According to the Uganda Prison Services Spokesperson, Frank Baine, Lwamafa has been pardoned on account of old age and good behavior (corrupt behavior being considered good in Uganda).
“He is over 65 years old and he falls in the category of the elderly. In addition, he has been not well and he qualifies to be released under the terminally ill grounds,” Baine said.
To all those who might have forgotten, Lwamafa was jailed for 22 years along with Kiwanuka Kunsa, former head of the research and development department, and Christopher Obey, former chief accountant of the Ministry of Public Services for the theft of US $25 million in a pension ghost scam.
Now we can confirm that Lwamafa was merely the fall guy in that scam, the real Ponzi Schemers behind the $25 million stolen from innocent Ugandan pensioners is none other than dictator Museveni and his family.
This is why Lwamafa has been released, he is not the criminal…Gen. Museveni is!
Also, if these goons say they are releasing Lwamafa because they are taking pity on the elderly, then why didn’t they take pity on the pensioners whose money they looted?
You mean they are not elderly too? Then why are they pensioners if you consider them to be Spring Chickens?
Despot Museveni told you a long time ago, 2010 to be precise, that corruption is good.
Speaking in Masindi district, Papa Doc Museveni defended corrupt civil servants and politicians, saying they also greatly contribute to national development by investing in the country money they swindle from public coffers. By thus investing, Gen. Museveni said the thieves build the national economy!
Yes, this is on record and yet many ignoramuses think Papa Doc is a serious leader.
“In 1986 we inherited a very small resource envelope for the country—the country was collecting Shs 5 billion from tax, today we are collecting Shs 5,000 billion but much of it is [stolen] by corrupt civil servants and politicians,” Papa Doc said.
Before he added: “These thieves also build the country, but in a disorganized way; they swindle money and build houses; yes, they are also contributing to the development of the country but in a disorganized way.”
Years later, in 2019, Autocrat Museveni might have realized his Freudian Slip (a Freudian slip, refers to an error in communication or memory that Freud believed reveals desires and urges from your unconscious mind. Like how Donald Trump frequently used the word “nigger” while he was the host of the reality television show “Celebrity Apprentice”).
Back to 2019, dictator Museveni led hundreds of people in a march against corruption, calling corrupt people parasites (thus ably describing himself and his family) who steal public wealth.
However, on that day, the then deputy speaker of parliament, Jacob Oulanyah, voiced his disquiet by saying he was not convinced that corruption was at the top of Museveni’s agenda.
“Unless we take this from our own frontline and extend the frontier to cover other areas, it’s a waste of time,” Oulanyah said. “It’s a public show for nothing. I come because it’s a public show, but deep down I know. We are going right back to practice the same damn corruption that we claim to fight.”
Then, suddenly, a healthy Oulanyah died of multiple organ failure on 20 March 2022 in Seattle, Washington, United States.
They say he had cancer, but the truth is that he exposed Despot Museveni’s charade in fighting corruption. And he did so in broad daylight, meaning Gen. Museveni and associates were publicly exposed. So he paid with his life.
Yes, with a dictator like Museveni hell bent on stealing everything in Uganda, we must ask when the gust of change will sweep this House of Cards known as the Museveni Junta into history’s wastepaper basket.
As we say in Uganda, Nkoye (we are tired of) Museveni!