
Tax Facts & Figures 2023 – Personal Income Tax – Tax Authorities

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Basis of taxation

All Cyprus tax resident individuals are taxed on all chargeable
income (including certain employment benefits) accrued or derived
from all sources in Cyprus and abroad. Individuals who are not tax
residents of Cyprus are taxed on certain income accrued or derived
from sources in Cyprus.

An individual is tax resident in Cyprus if (s)he spends in
Cyprus more than 183 days in any one calendar year.

With effect as from 1 January 2017, an individual may also be
considered tax resident in Cyprus if (s)he satisfies the “60
day rule”. The “60 day rule” applies to individuals
who in the relevant tax year:

  1. do not reside in any other single state for a period exceeding
    183 days in aggregate, and

  2. are not considered tax resident by any other state, and

  3. reside in Cyprus for at least 60 days, and

  4. have other defined Cyprus ties. To satisfy this condition the
    individual must carry out any business in Cyprus and/or be employed
    in Cyprus and/or hold an office (director) of a company tax
    resident in Cyprus at any time in the tax year, provided that such
    is not terminated during the tax year. Further the individual must
    maintain in the tax year a permanent residential property in Cyprus
    which is either owned or rented by him/her.

For the purposes of both the “183 days rule” and the
“60 days rule” days in and out of Cyprus are calculated
as follows:

  • the day of departure from Cyprus counts as a day of residence
    outside Cyprus

  • the day of arrival in Cyprus counts as a day of residence in

  • arrival and departure from Cyprus in the same day counts as one
    day of residence in Cyprus

  • departure and arrival in Cyprus in the same day counts as one
    day of residence outside Cyprus

Personal tax rates

The following income tax rates apply to individuals:

Chargeable income for the tax

Tax rate

Accumulated tax

First 19.500 Nil Nil
From 19.501 – to 28.000 20 1.700
From 28.001 – to 36.300 25 3.775
From 36.301 – to 60.000 30 10.885
Οver 60.000 35

Foreign pension income is taxed at the flat rate of 5% on
amounts over €3.420. The taxpayer can however on an annual
basis elect to be taxed at the normal tax rates and bands set out

Cyprus source widow(er)’s pension is taxed at the flat rate
of 20% on amounts over €19.500. The taxpayer can however on an
annual basis elect to be taxed at the normal tax rates and bands
set out above.


The following are exempt from income tax:


Type of income Exemption
Interest, except for interest arising from the
ordinary business activities or closely related to the ordinary
business activities of an individual
The whole amount (1)
Dividends The whole amount (1)
Remuneration for first employments exercised in
Cyprus commencing as from 1 January 2022 with remuneration
exceeding EUR55.000 by individuals who were not residents of Cyprus
for a period of 10 consecutive tax years immediately prior to the
year of commencement of the employment in Cyprus. For each
individual the exemption will apply once in their lifetime for a
period of 17 years. Subject to certain conditions, individuals
whose employment commenced prior to 1 January 2022, may also be
eligible to claim the exemption. (2).
50% of the remuneration
Remuneration for first employments exercised in
Cyprus commencing after 26 July 2022, by individuals who
immediately prior to the commencement of their employment in Cyprus
were not a resident of Cyprus for a period of at least 3
consecutive tax years and were employed outside of Cyprus by a
non-resident employer. For each individual the exemption will apply
for a period of 7 years, starting from the tax year following the
tax year of commencement of employment. Individuals granted the
above 50% exemption will not be eligible for this exemption.
20% of the remuneration with a maximum amount of
€8.550 annually
Remuneration from salaried services rendered
outside Cyprus for more than 90 days in a tax year to a non-Cyprus
resident employer or to a foreign permanent establishment of a
Cyprus resident employer
The whole amount
Profits of a foreign permanent establishment under
certain conditions (3)
The whole amount
Lump sum received by way of retiring gratuity,
commutation of pension or compensation for death or injuries
The whole amount
Capital sums accruing to individuals from any
payments to approved funds (e.g. provident funds)
The whole amount
Profits from the sale of securities (4) The whole amount
Profits from the production of films, series and
other related audiovisual programs
The lower of 35% of the eligible expenditure and
50% of the taxable income. Any restriction may be carried forward
for 5 years.


1. Such dividend and interest income may be subject to Special
Contribution for Defence – refer to the Special Contribution for
Defence section.

2. Individuals that were eligible to claim the 20% or 50%
exemptions that applied pre-1 January 2022 may continue to claim
the said exemption for any remaining period if they are not
eligible to claim the exemption for employments commencing as from
1 January 2022. The 20% and 50% exemptions that applied pre-1
January 2022 were available for a total period of 5 or 10 years
respectively for each individual.

3. With effect as from 1 July 2016, taxpayers may elect to tax
the profits earned by a foreign permanent establishment, with a tax
credit for foreign taxes incurred on those foreign permanent
establishment profits. Transitional rules apply in certain cases on
the granting of foreign tax credits where a foreign permanent
establishment was previously exempt and subsequently a taxpayer
elects to be subject to tax on the profits of the foreign permanent

4. The term “Securities” is defined as shares, bonds,
debentures, founders’ shares and other securities of companies
or other legal persons, incorporated in Cyprus or abroad and
options thereon. Circulars have been issued by the Tax Authorities
further clarifying what is included in the term Securities.
According to the circulars the term includes, among others, options
on Securities, short positions on Securities, futures/forwards on
Securities, swaps on Securities, depositary receipts on Securities
(ADRs, GDRs), rights of claim on bonds and debentures (rights on
interest of these instruments are not included), index
participations only if they result on Securities, repurchase
agreements or Repos on Securities, units in open-end or close-end
collective investment schemes. The circulars also clarify specific
types of participation in foreign entities which are considered as

Tax deductions

The following are deducted from income:

Contributions to trade unions or professional
The whole amount
Loss of current year and previous years (for
individuals required to prepare audited financial statements,
current year losses and losses of the previous five years only may
be deducted)
The whole amount
Rental income 20% of gross rental income
Donations to approved charities (with
The whole amount
Expenditure incurred for the maintenance of a
building in respect of which there is in force a Preservation
Up to €1.200, €1.100 or €700 per
square meter (depending on the size of the building)
Social Insurance, General Health System medical
fund, private medical fund insurance contributions (maximum 1,5% of
remuneration), pension and provident fund contributions (maximum
10% of remuneration) and life insurance premiums (maximum 7% of the
insured amount)
Up to 1/5 of the chargeable Income
Amount invested each tax year as from 1 January
2017 in approved innovative small and medium sized enterprises
either directly or indirectly subject to conditions (applicable up
to 31 December 2023).
Up to 50% of the taxable income as calculated
prior to this deduction (subject to a maximum of €150.000 per
year) (1)
Eligible infrastructure and technological
equipment expenditure in the audiovisual industry
Expenditure of revenue nature for scientific
research and for R&D, subject to conditions
The whole amount (and for expenditure incurred in
years 2022, 2023 and 2024, an additional 20%)
Tax amortisation on any expenditure of capital
nature for scientific research and for R&D, subject to
The whole amount (and for expenditure incurred in
years 2022, 2023 and 2024, an additional 20%) allocated over the
lifetime of the asset (maximum period 20 years)


1. Unused deduction can be carried forward and claimed in the
following 5 years, subject to the cap of 50% of taxable income (and
overall maximum of €150.000 per year).

Example of personal Tax computation for

Salary (€5.885 monthly) €70.620
Rent receivable €5.000
Interest receivable €700
Dividend income €600
Social Insurance contributions €4.784
General health system contributions €2.038
Life insurance premiums €8.500
Insured sum €100.000
Provident fund contribution €3.000
Donations to approved charities – with

Tax computation



*Please refer to Special Contribution for Defence section.
The individual in this example is both Cyprus tax resident and
Cyprus domiciled for the purposes of the Special Contribution for

** In regards to the immovable property on which rental
income is earned, the deductions could additionally include any
interest expense accruing on borrowings that were obtained by the
individual to finance the acquisition of the building as well as
wear and tear allowances (if not already exhausted).

To read this Report in full, please click here.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.


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