
Spain’s acting PSOE-Podemos/Sumar government carries out huge military spending increases

The coalition government of the Socialist Party and Podemos, now integrated in Sumar, is continuing to shower billions of euros on the Spanish military and the US-NATO war against Russia in Ukraine.

That a temporary, acting government, seeking the formation of a viable coalition after last month’s inconclusive elections, is making war preparations is a warning. Whatever government is formed, whether led by the right-wing Popular Party (PP) or the PSOE with Sumar, imperialist war abroad and the war on workers at home will continue.

In last month’s conference of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, known as the Ramstein format, acting Defense Minister Margarita Robles confirmed that Spain was sending four additional Leopard tanks, 10 armoured transports, 10 trucks, three civilian ambulances, an armoured ambulance and a field hospital.

US Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper (left) meets with Spain’s Minister of Defense Margarita Robles during the Defense Ministerial at NATO Headquarters, Brussels, Febuary 12, 2020 [Photo by DoD photo by U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Nicole Mejia / CC BY 2.0]

She announced the shipment of new batches of light weapons and large-caliber heavy ammunition and confirmed that 1,900 Ukrainian soldiers have already been trained in Spanish territory.

Spain is also part of NATO’s advanced plans to deploy tens of thousands of NATO troops near the Russian border. At the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, acting Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez (PSOE) promised to send 800 soldiers to Slovakia for the first time, while the number of troops in Romania will be increased by 250. There are currently 1,150 troops deployed in Romania, Poland and the Baltics. Eight F-16 jet fighters are also stationed in Romania.

This increase will more than double the presence of Spanish troops in Eastern Europe. Since 2017, Spain has contributed 650 troops—equipped with Leopard 2E and Pizarro battle tanks, among other material—to the NATO combat group in Latvia, led by Canada. In addition, the Air Force has deployed an air surveillance radar in the vicinity of the Romanian city of Constanza operated by some 40 soldiers; and the Army two Nasams anti-aircraft missile batteries in Amari (Estonia) and Lielvardes (Latvia), with about 100 soldiers each.

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