
Remembering Stark County veterans from our history’s wars

  • Jacob Shearer is the only Revolutionary War soldier buried in Mapleton Cemetery in Osnaburg Township.
  • Adone ‘Cal’ Calderone is remembered as Stark County’s last Pearl Harbor survivor. He died in 2020.

“I see not a few of the Revolutionary (War) veterans around me. Would to God that it had ever been in my power to have made them comfortable and happy — that their sun might go down in peace.” — From Gen. William Henry Harrison’s speech at Fort Meigs in Ohio in 1840.

If there is one thing history shows us, it is that our military heroes pass.

Our memories of our veterans can fade with time. And there is a danger that their stories are forgotten in death.

“Every day, memories of World War II are disappearing from living history,” notes the website for the National World War II Museum in New Orleans. “The men and women who fought and won this great conflict are now in their 90s or older; according to US Department of Veterans Affairs statistics, 119,550 of the 16.1 million Americans who served in World War II are alive as of 2023.”

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