
Prime Minister race LIVE – Rishi wins backing of 100 MPs securing place on leadership ballot as support for Boris grows

Malcolm Rifkind says reinstating Boris Johnson would put Tory party first – not the country

Former Conservative foreign secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind said reinstating Boris Johnson as prime minister would be the “worst example” of putting the Tory party’s interest ahead of the public interest.

He told Times Radio: “What would make it utterly indefensible is that the, if not the only, reason, or certainly the main reason, why some MPs and party activists are encouraging that is that Boris Johnson would have a better chance than other leaders that are winning the next general election.

“I’ve never heard a worst example of putting the party’s perceived interest, because it might not even be true, but putting the party’s political interests before the public interest. And I will happily explain why, in my judgment, the public interest could not remotely be served by the return of Boris Johnson.

“Given that the vast majority of the public, including many Conservatives, are struggling with a cost-of-living increases that we’re all seeing and the problems of the economy, the prime minister must be somebody who’s economically coherent, who understands the economy, who has shown that he does understand it, and that he will be able to work closely with the chancellor in restoring our economic strength.

“Now, in the case of Johnson, I’m afraid it’s not this. This is not a theoretical question. He was prime minister for two or three years, he showed no interest, never mind leadership on economic policy.”

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