
Police chief to retire for just 34 days because of pension quirk

A police chief will retire for just 34 days before restarting in the same role after being allowed to take a break because it was “financially untenable” to continue.

Nick Adderley, 57, the chief constable of Northamptonshire Police, will retire at the end of February before rejoining the force in April with another officer temporarily filling his post.

Adderley, who joined the force in 2018, was due to step down as chief this year but has been offered a new contract by Stephen Mold, the county’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.

As part of a new contract, Mr Adderley’s salary is set to increase to £165,000 a year from £159,494 and he will stay in the role for two and half years, with the option to extend.

Adderley has been forced to retire due to a quirk in the police pension scheme which sees officers stop receiving contributions after 30 years.

In 2021, he received £48,800 in pension contributions from the force but last year saw his pension erode after they stopped.

He will not be taking a second pension but will benefit from the salary increase.

Pension rules making it difficult to find senior officers

Adderley’s new contract was confirmed on Friday and during a meeting last month Mr Mold said that pension rules were making it difficult to find senior officers.

He said Adderley needed to “mitigate future financial losses relating to his pension”, adding: “You will be aware that pension strain for senior officers is increasingly an issue.

“Recruitment for senior officer posts is also a significant challenge at this moment as a number of PCC colleagues struggle to recruit for senior roles.”

Northamptonshire Police said on Friday the police pension system was affecting other experienced officers.

“It remains the case that the way the police pension system is set up, it does become a financial detriment to any officer, Chief Constable or otherwise, to continue working beyond the 30 years while still paying into a pension,” the force said.

“When Chief Constable Nick Adderley completed his 30 years’ service in policing in February 2022, his pension entitlement has continued to diminish, thereby significantly reducing his overall pension pot in the process.”

The force said that “this situation was becoming financially untenable” with his pension eroding by a small amount every month but totalling thousands of pounds over a year.”

Adderley will not be drawing on his pension until the end of his career and the force said his pay rise was “performance-related, reflecting the work Mr Adderley has done in improving the performance of the Force across a wide range of areas following the poor HMICFRS inspection report which was published in February 2019, shortly after
his arrival at Northamptonshire Police.”

‘Right person to continue as Chief’

Mr Mold said he “strongly believed that Nick was the right person to continue as Chief” and that frontline officers shared his view.

Stephen Mold said: “I am delighted that the Police, Fire and Crime Panel have approved my recommendation for Nick to continue in his role as Chief Constable.

“When taking this decision, I listened closely to the views of police officers and staff as well as partner agencies, and they confirmed my view that this was the right decision and now was not the right time to change Chief Constable.

“It was important to accept Nick’s personal needs and I believe this decision will ensure stability and continue the improvements we have already seen since Nick became the Chief Constable in 2018.

“Nick is the best person possible to continue this journey and ensure that the residents of Northamptonshire have increased confidence in their police force, and I will continue to work with him to ensure the highest of standards are achieved.”

Adderley said he hoped to make Northamptonshire one of the safest counties in the country.

“Through the support of the public, partners and the dedicated men and women of this force, I have every confidence that this ambition will be achieved over the next couple of years,” he said.

“The reality though is that we still have more work to do to ensure the sustainability and trajectory of our performance improvements to date; this will not be without challenge.

“My commitment to Northamptonshire Police and to the public of Northamptonshire remains resolute and focused in ensuring that we become an outstanding public service and one to be proud of.”

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