
Lonely British pensioner, 86, is now Benidorm selfie celeb after pal posts heartwarming Facebook message

A lonely Brit who tragically lost his wife two years ago has become an internet sensation and a real-life celebrity after his friend posted about his solo holiday on a Facebook group.

Derek Flynn, originally from Rhyl, in Wales, decided to go on a solo holiday in Benidorm. His friend Nigel Hobdey, 61, who helped him book the trip and took him to Manchester Airport on February 5 then posted on Benidorm Seriously, a Facebook group, asking people in the holiday spot to keep an eye out for Derek.

Nigel’s post to the 160,000-strong community on Facebook read: “Tomorrow a friend of my mine called Derek who is 88 is coming to Benidorm on his own to the Pueblo from Manchester with jet 2. He loves Benidorm but sadly he is coming on his own as his wife passed away two years ago.

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“He is fit as a fiddle and loves singing but like me sometimes forgets where he is and, loses his keys lol. He has assistance with jet 2 to help him through the airport and to the hotel, but me and his friends hope he is OK over there on his own. If you see him say hello he is lovely guy.”

Nigel, who first met Derek at a betting shop in Wales after Nigel’s return from Benidorm said he just wanted to know that Derek “would be looked after”. Nigel says Derek loves Benidorm and had always wanted to return.

Derek is now a selfi celeb in Benidorm

And Nigel’s post more than did that, as it went viral and turned Derek, who is often called a Robert de Niro lookalike into a famous person in Benidorm. Everywhere Derek goes, people want to take pictures with him, and someone even messaged Nigel trying to get his 80-year-old mother to go on holiday with Derek.

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