
Experts warn workers may have to wait till they are 74 to get state pension

Experts are warning that some workers may have to wait until they are 74 before they get a state pension.

A report has found the current retirement provision is becoming too expensive and changes might have to be made in future. The state pension age is now 66 but this will rise to 67 between 2026 and 2028.

The next hike to age 68 not planned until 2046 but may be brought forward to 2035. It comes as the basic state pension rose by 10.1% this month in line with September 2022’s inflation rate at an extra cost of £11bn to the Treasury.


However, a major review into pensions commissioned by the Government has concluded that the current scheme is simply becoming too expensive and something will have to give. According to experts who have analysed the report, either the state pension age will have to rise rapidly, which will hit anyone currently under 40 particularly hard, or the triple lock will need to be axed very soon, ChronicleLive reports.

The rising number of people reaching state pension age and living much longer beyond that, and the shrinking number of workers to pick up the state pension bill via taxes mean the state must pay an old age income to more people for longer than it once did. Every year, the cost of paying out pensions increases by billions of pounds as it rises under the triple lock, the mechanism that ensures pay-outs increase in line with whichever is higher — prices, earnings or 2.5 per cent.

Because of this, every few years, the state pension age is reviewed by the Government, and experts have warned that Britain’s state pension age — currently 66 — could ultimately rise as high as 74 for many of those working today. When it was first introduced in 1909, the state pension was paid only to men and women over the age of 70, but as things stand, the age at which you start to collect your state pension is 66.

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