
Edinburgh residents share their thoughts on triple lock pension promise petition

The triple lock is a guarantee to increase the state pension annually by the rate of inflation, average wage growth or 2.5 per cent (whichever is highest).

The increase comes into effect every April and was introduced back in 2010.

However due to Covid-19 pandemic the triple lock was suspended for the 2022/2023 tax year.

A petition calling for the government to uphold the triple pension lock promise has gained almost 50,000 signatures.

The current basic state pension is £141.85 per week which can be accessed by those over the age of 66.

However this is due to rise to 67 by the year 2028.

A petition has been launched to see the return of the triple lock for April 2023 – almost 50,000 people have signed.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has not yet said whether the triple lock pension will be safe moving forwards.

The petition is calling for Rishi Sunak to stick to the Conservative Party’s promise to guarantee the triple lock pension during their time in office.

Since the new prime minister took office he has not confirmed if the triple lock will remain but it is thought that the matter will be confirmed at the autumn budget on November 17.

Many people are concerned about their pensions during the cost of living crisis.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt is likely to discuss the issue at the autumn budget later this month.

Dee Riordan said: “As pensioners who have worked, earned then saved for old age, it goes without saying how most of us feel.

“Used and abused comes to mind.”

Mary Lacey agreed, she wrote: “I don’t understand how the government thinks couples are able to survive on the UK pension, they probably spend more on one meal than we get to live on for a week to feed ourselves, clothe ourselves and heat our homes.”

Leslie Szary commented: “The pennies they give us, no words for this.”

“It should be a priority [the triple lock pension]. They can find plenty of money when they want it for other things,” said Anne-Marie Bain.

The chaos in Downing Street has led some readers to be distrustful of the government’s ability to keep promises.

“They also promised no tax rises, I’m afraid the Covid-19 spending spree has changed everything and virtually nothing promised in 2019 can be held,” Ryan Betts wrote.

James McLaughlin said: “Can you trust any politician? They change their mind like the weather.”

Some readers compared the UK pension scheme to others around the world.

Jacqui McCluskey said: “I live in Australia and the pension here is means tested but if you qualify you get about $750 each fortnight – which is about £415.”

Christine Bell Ondersma wrote: “Here in the USA our pension (social security) is based on the contributions made to it during our working years.

“Cost of living increase for most in 2023 will be 8.7 per cent.

Margaret Aitken said: “Compared to what other countries pay their pensioners ours is a joke.”

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