
Early retirement makes people forgetful, reduces ability to decide

The younger generation is mentally moving towards early retirement, and they are of the opinion that they will spend their lives at ease after retiring early. But recent research has found out that retiring early reduces people’s ability to think and understand, they start forgetting things, and are unable to take major decisions. Researchers at New York’s Binghamton University have discovered that cognitive problems increase with early retirement.

Professor Plamen Nikolov said that conducting the research proved that if out of two people of the same age, one gets retired early, then they do not remain as healthy and agile as the other one. The major reason behind the same is that people who get retired early, witness a reduction in their social circle, do not get involved in physical hard work, and do not indulge in work which puts pressure on the brain. As a result, they start getting weak mentally.

The study reveals that in countries like China, people are so dependent on their pension after retirement that the will to start with another work does not arise in them, and they face lethargy all day long. Professor Nikolov further said that a similar pattern can also be seen in the USA, Britain, and in the European countries. While on the other hand, a working individual keeps on meeting people on a regular basis and keeps on working. Nikolov added that they hoped that with this study, many people will ponder over changing their retirement plans.

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