
Apply for pension credit as soon as you can

December can be an expensive month and this year residents across south east Wales will be feeling the pinch more than ever with rising cost-of-living pressures.

Thanks to Putin’s barbaric invasion of Ukraine and the aftermath of coronavirus, we are all paying the price with energy bills continuing to rise.

I wanted to use my final column of the year to share some information which will hopefully benefit my constituents.

The UK government has been quick to act with support packages to help ease the burden that so many are facing.

Some 11 million pensioners across the UK have started to receive an extra £300 on top of their annual winter fuel payment as part of the government’s £49 billion cost-of-living support package.

That means more than 121,500 pensioners across south east Wales will be in receipt of the extra £300 payment.

This will give pensioners much needed support this winter and protect the most vulnerable faced with rising prices.

However, it was recently revealed that an estimated 80,000 older people in Wales are missing out on pension credit, which is worth £65 a week on average.

Shockingly, more than £200 million goes unclaimed each year.

Research shows that many people simply don’t claim because they don’t think they are eligible as well as a reluctance to do so due to embarrassment and stigma.

About a third of people who took part in a recent poll agreed they would ‘feel bad’ claiming pension credit and 16% said their family and friends would have a negative view of them claiming it.

It’s vital we do all we can to smash that stigma and see more people claiming the help that they are entitled to.

Pensioners are at risk of falling into poverty this winter as cost-of-living pressures continue, putting their health at risk.

Not only does pension credit give recipients a cash boost, it also unlocks further help including council tax discounts, free TV licences, and help with housing costs.

I’d encourage anyone reading this who is eligible for pension credit, or if you know someone who might be eligible, to apply as soon as possible.

You can claim by calling the Pension Credit claim line on 0800 99 1234 or by visiting

I would just like to wish you all a merry Christmas and happy New Year and if there are any issues you’d like to raise with me please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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