
Anna Devin: ‘My best investment was paying to fly my husband around Europe so I could get pregnant’

Her recordings include Arminio and Faramondo from the Göttingen International Handel Festival and Mozart in London.

The soprano is currently touring with the Irish National Opera and will perform at the West Cork Chamber Music Festival, which takes place from June 23 to July 2. Devin lives in Bedfordshire with her husband and two young daughters.

What did you learn about money while you were growing up?

That you have to work hard to get it; my parents had their own software development company, so I knew money didn’t grow on trees.

What impact did Covid lockdowns and the shuttering of live productions have on your financial wellbeing?

It was traumatic.

To work for 20 years to reach the level in your career you’re happy with and then to have it all taken away overnight makes you question everything and search for security.

What was your best-ever investment?

The ridiculous amount of flights I paid for to ship my husband around Europe to try and get pregnant.

I now have two beautiful girls that are worth all the logistics and cash.

When were you most broke?

I’ve always worked and tried to live within my means. So I’m not sure.

Probably during the pandemic – if it wasn’t for the government grants, I would have been in a lot of trouble.

What’s the most expensive city you’ve ever performed in?

Definitely Zurich. A bagel and cup of tea costs £20 there in an average place. It’s insane.

Would you buy Irish property now?

If I could get a mortgage, yes! I bought my first house in August last year, in England, and I am hoping my next one will be in Ireland.

But the banks make it very difficult if you’re coming home from abroad.

Do you still carry cash?

The odd time, but mostly I don’t.

Do you use any of the digital banks?

Yes, I love Starling Bank in the UK. I switched all my finances to them a few years ago.

It’s brilliant: you can have one card for your euros and sterling account. I also have a Revolut card for travel.

What was your biggest ever financial mistake?

Not starting a pension or investment in my 20s. I definitely could have put away 20 quid a month and I really regret not doing it.

My pension’s only a year old, so it has lots of growing to do!

Are you a spender or a saver?

Probably both. Since buying my first house, all my savings have gone on my deposit.

I am feeling the need to save, but that is hard when you want to decorate your new house!

What was your worst-ever job?

Working in a Mexican restaurant in Santa Barbara on a J1 visa. I got fired because I asked about the schedule.

What was the last thing you bought online?

School uniforms and Sylvanian families.

Actually, that’s really sad – I wish it was a summer jumpsuit and some plants for my garden.

What three things would you not be able to do without if you had to tighten your belt?

Good quality food, central heating, and vocal coaching.

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