
Will mortgage rates go down? When next UK interest rate decision is and what another rise means for payments

Experts are expecting the Bank of England to raise interest rates again this month, despite inflation falling.

Rates were increased from 5 per cent to 5.25 per cent in July, marking a record 14th consecutive rise stretching back to the end of 2021.

Raising rates further – with many predicting a bump to 5.5 per cent – would heap further misery on homeowners already struggling to keep up with soaring mortgage payments.

When is the next interest rates decision?

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) votes eight times a year, roughly every six weeks, to determine policy on interest rates.

Before the MPC’s nine members decide what action to take, they hold several meetings to review how the economy is working.

At a final meeting, the governor of the Bank – currently Andrew Bailey – recommends the policy he believes will be supported by the majority of MPC members, and the members vote.

The next interest rates decision is due on Thursday 21 September, with two more scheduled this year on 2 November and 14 December.

How much could interest rates increase?

A group of leading experts told i that the Bank of England should increase interest rates again to at least 5.5 per cent next month – even though inflation is falling.

Data released last week shows that the headline Consumer Prices Index (CPI) rate of inflation fell to 6.8 per cent in the year to July, compared to 7.9 per cent in June.

Despite this, five of i’s panel of nine experts, including several ex-Bank of England economists, have said that the base rate should still increase by 0.25 percentage points in September, while the other four believe the central bank should go further and raise it by 0.5 percentage points.

Former MPC member, Charles Goodhart, said: “Although the headline figure for inflation was reasonably encouraging, core inflation did not budge. The combination of that, together with the disturbing data for wages, implies that there will now, almost certainly, be a 0.25 point rise.”

Dr Edward Jones, a senior lecturer in economics at Bangor University, told i he would vote for a 0.25 percentage point rise this time, but added: “It’s a difficult situation – they know we’ve seen 14 increases in a row and that’s really hurting the economy.

“Inflation is a problem embedded into the UK economy so I suspect we’ll see another quarter-point rise, but I think we just have to see how it plays out after that.”

Some economists and politicians, however, fear there is a risk the UK will be tipped into recession if the Bank moves too aggressively, pointing to early signs that unemployment is rising and consumer confidence faltering.

George Dibb of the centre-left Institute for Public Policy Research think-tank said: “The Bank has gone far enough with rate rises – in fact, we have probably gone past that point already.

“The Bank itself acknowledges that interest rate rises take a year and a half, two years to filter through to the economy so we are only now beginning to see the effect of those rises. Now is the time to take stock of those rate rises and see where we are in a year or so.”

He added: “Further rate rises will further harm investment – the UK is at the bottom of the international league tables on investment. There are early warning signs that we might be killing the prospect of a soft landing.”

What would it mean for mortgages?

Tracker mortgages, which follow changes in the base rate, will increase in line with it should the MPC raise it as expected.

Someone taking out a £200,000 mortgage on a tracker at 6 per cent would currently pay £1,289 per month, and if the base rate increases by 0.25 percentage points, this would go to £1,319 per month – a £30-a-month increase. A 0.5 percentage point increase would lead to monthly payments going up to £1,351 – a rise of £62 per month.

Standard variable mortgage rates do not always go up directly in line with the base rate, but usually do.

Fixed-rate mortgages do not follow the Bank of England interest rate in the same way as other types of mortgage. If you are on a fixed-rate deal currently, then your monthly payments won’t change until the deal expires.

There are signs, however, that interest rates are beginning to fall for some mortgages. Halifax, HSBC, Nationwide, and TSB – four of the UK’s biggest mortgage lenders – have recently cut some rates in response to the property market stalling and house prices falling.

“More lenders are likely to follow this trend, and we may even see further rate reductions from those lenders who have already lowered rates,” Chris Sykes, technical director at Private Finance, told The Guardian.

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