
‘So what if Nigel can’t use his posh bank? The rest of us can’t use Europe’

There is something delicious about a man, who has spent decades telling us to fear others, complaining that people are discriminating against him.

Last time I checked, being an out-and-out ar**hole was not a protected characteristic. In fact, the British courts spend a large amount of their time telling people to stop being one.

And it’s even better coming from an ex-City boy in yellow trousers who’s so oppressed that he’s got his own TV show. Poor, cancelled Nigel Farage – it must be awful dealing with the daily prejudice that comes with being white, rich, and owning a dog whistle. I don’t know how he copes with the multi-million pound fortune he’s built from it.

Having been so persecuted that he was allowed to bank alongside the King, pay off a mortgage early, and offered a “glide path” to find somewhere else to put his big pile of money, it’s a wonder he’s managed to survive so long without the same freedoms as, say, a sexually-abused and traumatised refugee who can’t swim and struggles across the Channel in the clutches of violent criminals, only to be met by some git in yellow trousers telling them to get off his lawn. Meanwhile, the rest of us have to struggle on without freedom of movement, an economic union, global relevance, or a pot to piss in. Lucky old us.

Has anyone noticed Nigel suffering?(Adam Gerrard / OK! Magazine)

Nigel likes to think of himself as King Brexit, solely responsible for the world-beating brilliant idea for which he is consistently maligned by the forces of, if we’ve got this right: London, people with double-barrelled names, James O’Brien, people who voted differently 7 years ago, people who voted the same way 7 years ago and now wish they hadn’t, and “the elite”.

How “the elite” differs from prep school boys who became City traders and then spent 20 years on the taxpayer’s teats in the European Parliament is anybody’s guess, but I suspect when Nigel says “the elite” it roughly translates as “everyone who disagrees with Nigel”.

And if Brexit is his baby, then we have him to thank for the fact our taxes just got spent on a multi-million pound bribe for a battery gigafactory which, if we were in the EU, we’d have got for free because we also have a car industry. Oh, and we’re now having to bribe the car industry to stay, and the steel industry.

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