
Mortgage prisoner case to be heard in court next week

The first of the mortgage prisoner group legal action cases is due to come to court in London on July 23.

This first tranche of cases will relate to TSB’s Whistletree subsidiary which was built to manage the mortgage accounts of former Northern Rock customers.

The Mortgage Prisoners Action Group lead campaigner, Rachel Neale, said: “After six years of tough campaigning for justice UK Mortgage Prisioners Action Group hope that Harcus Parker Solicitors are successful in this aspect of justice for our members.

“Additionally, we call upon the government to right the broader wrongs that only legislative reform can bring about for Mortgage Prisoners in order to right the wrongs government knowingly enabled.”

The action group said their members are made up of people who had taken their mortgage out with banks such as Northern Rock before the economic crash of 2008 which saw them go bust.

Following this, new economic criteria was introduced which meant that many pre-crash borrowers no longer met the criteria for their own mortgages and so could not switch lender and couldn’t change the type of mortgage.

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