
Macroeconomic Review: When Black Swans Circle

Circling Vultures

EzumeImages/iStock via Getty Images

We better understand the essence of our macro-economic system, when black swans (like vultures) are circling, to inform our economic and investment choices. We need to dig right into the structuring of that system to identify the most likely macroeconomic outcomes

top 10 countries by GDP table

World Bank

Top 10 countries by GDP chart

World Bank

Central Government Debt


USA Public Debt to GDP

St Louis FED

Global Central Government Debt


Globe Private Debt


Chart Private Debt


Total Debt Table

IMF & Statista

Comprehensive Nation Debt


Graphic Debt unbalanced

Sarel Oberholster

Debt balance with money creation

Sarel Oberholster

Savings to GDP

World Bank

Savings Data by GDP top 10 countries

World Bank

Total Global Savings as % of GDP

World bank

Gross Savings % of GDP USA

World Bank

Money Creation Dominance

IMF, CEIC DATA, World Bank

Homeownership USA

St Louis FED

Hope Prices 2023

Harvard University: State of the Nation Housing Report

Household Debt


Household Debt Data and chart


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