
How to get a cheap(er) fixed-rate mortgage before they are all pulled

You could be forgiven for feeling stressed out and worried about your mortgage right now. With rates rising rapidly to an average of 6.37 per cent and the biggest six lenders pulling their cheapest deals from the market this week, it may not be long until all the deals below 6 per cent are history.

So how can you make sure you grab one of the cheap(er) fixed-rate deals before they run out? There are some solutions out there for both first-time buyers and remortgagors who want access to the cheapest new deals, as we reveal below.

Stay with your existing lender

Some lenders now offer more competitive fixed rates to their existing customers at the end of a deal, says Ray Boulger, an expert at John Charcol mortgage brokerage. “Until a few years ago, when you came to the end of a deal, if you wanted to get another good rate, you would have to remortgage, in most cases. But now, you can very often get at least a good a rate and sometimes even a better rate from your existing lender.”

The benefit of staying with your existing lender on a new competitive deal is twofold, he says. “First of all, the process is simpler, because the lender is not required to carry out an affordability check.”

Secondly, because that affordability check is not necessary, you may actually be offered a far better deal with your existing lender than you would get elsewhere, he says.

This is particularly relevant if rates have risen beyond what your lender originally assumed the rate would be at when you took out your mortgage or your financial circumstances have changed for the worse. In these circumstances, you may fail an affordability check with another lender, even though you could afford your repayments at the rate you are remortgaging onto.

The reason this can happen is, if you are taking out a mortgage that’s not fixed for at least five years, lenders have to stress-test your borrowing against an interest rate that is one per cent higher than their standard variable rate (SVR) – which is potentially as high as eight per cent or more.

So even though it is still possible to get a cheap two-year fixed rate at below 5.5 per cent, lenders may have to assess your affordability at an interest rate of around nine per cent, Mr Boulger says.

“Because rates have gone up so much so quickly, somebody who took out a mortgage a few years ago might not qualify for a mortgage when they are stress-tested at nine per cent or higher.” This is because they would have been stress-tested at a much lower rate when they originally qualified for the mortgage.

“Unless their income’s gone up a lot, remortgaging to a cheap deal from another lender might not even be an option, because they may not be able to pass the affordability test. Whereas if they stay with their existing lender, but switch to another deal rather than reverting to the SVR, that doesn’t apply,” says Mr Boulger.

In this way, loyally sticking with your existing lender can be a good idea, as it means you can access their most competitive deals, without having to worry that you won’t qualify for a new mortgage.

“It’s still worth shopping around, but a product transfer, where you switch to another product with your existing lender, is a good option if affordability is pressure and you are struggling to meet another lender’s criteria,” says David Holllingworth, associate director of communications at L&C Mortgage brokerage.

Fix for 25 years – or longer

While most fixed-rates last for two, five or 10 years, there is one deal available that allows you to fix for the entire term of your mortgage – so up to 40 years.

The rate on this deal is also lower than the average fixed rate available on the market: you can fix for 25 years at 5.6 per cent and for 30 years at 5.65 per cent, if you have a big enough deposit.

It’s also more flexible than most long-term fixed rates. If you want to move house, you can do so and redeem the mortgage at that point without being penalised with any early repayment charges. However, it’s worth noting that these charges do apply in all other circumstances if you decide to exit the mortgage before the agreed term – so you can’t remortgage in a few years’ time to a cheaper deal.

It’s on offer from a specialist lender, Kensington Mortgages, which only deals with brokers.

Mr Boulger says it’s a particularly good option for borrowers who want to borrow a large income multiple and are struggling to pass other lenders’ affordability checks at the current high rates.

He says: “The maximum amount that many people can borrow is 4.49 times their income, because lenders are limited by the Bank of England not to do more than 15 per cent of their new lending above this income multiple. But with this long-term fixed rate deal from Kensington, they can lend up to six times income for first time buyers. And the reason they can do that is because they don’t have to stress test the mortgage, because the interest rate is fixed for the whole term, the lender doesn’t have to worry about how high interest rates will go.”

This means that these borrowers will escape the need for their loan to be stress-tested at the SVR plus one per cent, so forgo the need to qualify for the mortgage at rates of nine per cent or more. “Kensington can do the affordability assessment based on the actual rate the borrower is paying, rather than doing the calculation on a much higher rate.”

This particular deal will only suit borrowers who have a deposit of at least 15 per cent, because the maximum loan to value is 85 per cent, and the bigger the deposit you put down, the better the rate. “A first-time buyer who has got at least 15 per cent deposit and is looking to borrow an above-average amount might find this an attractive deal because interest rates are not that much higher than they’d be paying for a shorter-term deal,” says Mr Boulger. “Traditionally, first-time buyers tend to stay in their property for less time, and most people, when they do sell the property, would have the option to port the mortgage to a new home or redeem it without paying an early repayment charge,” he adds.

The big downside of fixing your mortgage rate for a long period is that interest rates may come down in the future, which means you will pay a higher rate than if you have opted for a fixed rate with a shorter time. “At the moment, people are anxious about locking into a rate at a point where rates may have the opportunity of coming back down. More people are fixing for the short term rather than the long term, even though short term rates are more expensive, because they’re hoping that rates will drop,” says Mr Hollingworth.

Hedge your bets with a tracker and a fix

Although interest rates are expected to rise in the short term, they are also expected to fall in the medium to long term.

Many analysts expect them to peak next year and then start falling by 2025 – although they may not fall very quickly. The Resolution Foundation, for example, predicts interest rates will not fall below 4.5 per cent until the end of 2027.

As a result, some trackers are very good value right now, and are certainly cheaper than short-term fixed rates. “You can get trackers at 0.15 per cent above the base rate at the moment,” says Mr Hollingworth. Since the base rate is at five per cent, this means you will pay 5.15 per cent in total.

One option, if you don’t need the security of a fixed rate but would rather not see your payments rise dramatically with any further interest rate rises, is to split your mortgage deal between a fixed rate and a tracker rate.

Some lenders, including HSBC, will allow you to do this, says Mr Hollingworth. “You can pick two products from the lender’s fixed rate and tracker range, and do half the loan on a tracker and half the loan on a fixed rate. Or you can split it however you want so that the mortgage is part fixed, part tracker.”

For example, you could lock in for five years to get the cheapest possible fixed rate, as the lowest five-year fixed rates are typically 0.35 per centage points lower than the most competitive two-year fixed rates. But you could also borrow some of the mortgage on a tracker. That way, although your payments are likely to go up in the short term, you will be protected from some of the increases by your fixed rate. And, when rates hopefully start to come down, you will benefit again, as you will not be stuck paying a high rate on your entire mortgage debt.

“You have to be willing to have such fluctuation in your monthly payments,” warns Hollingworth, “but it’s a good option if you want to hedge your bets.”

Another way to do this, if you don’t yet need to remortgage, is to book both a tracker and a fixed rate six months before you need to remortgage. Lenders will allow you to do this as long as you book the products with different lenders, and it means that when you come to remortgage you could find you have secured a deal that is much cheaper than the deals that are available to you at that point.

“You just have to be careful because if you make too many applications, it might have an impact on your credit rating. The more applications you make, the more impact it can have. If you’re making two applications, that’s not likely to be an issue. But the more you make, there is that risk – so I would talk to an adviser if you’re thinking of doing this,” says Mr Boulger.

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