
Easter Monday Chartfest: 10 April 2023

Have you ever – I’ve done them all


Australian Trade Data – February


US Average Age at Death



Who Americans spend their time with (Would Australians be that much different?)


Australia and Norway – Commodity revenues and government offtake (could someone from an Australian government of the last 30 years explain?)


Battery System additions


US Bird Killers


Crude Prices


Canada – participation rate and unemployment


Canada – Incomes and Mortgage potential


China – Private Consumption


China Debt


Constitution Length


Energy demand and supply


Europe Food Price Inflation


Eurozone Government Debt


Milenial voters




Germany New Orders


US Deposit Outflow


Kansas City Wheat Futures


MegaCap Techs to GDP


US – Rental and Mortgage affordability


US Federal Government Spend and CPI


Japan Headline Inflation


Suicide Rates – selected nations


US Federal Reserve Balance Sheet


Germany – People Leaving Church


US – Hiring and Non Farm Payrolls


China – Debt to GDP


US – Gun deaths and kids


US & China – Debt to GDP


Greece – Goods exports


US – Average hourly earnings


Baltic Freight Index


Australia – Federal Government Net Debt


Europe – Cigarette Consumption


Americans on Food Stamps – (is Australia heading this way?)


US or China – selected global perceptions


Russia – non Oil and Gas exports


Germany – Industrial Production


Germany & Italy 10 Year Sovereign Yields


Gold and Global Reserves


Greenhouse gas and selected foods


Australian Capital cities – 1Q 2023 rents

US Treasury 3 months – 18 months forwards


Product Concentration


Sri Lanka – Public Debt




Melbourne and Sydney (peas in a pod really)


Taiwan trade and industrial growth


UN food index


US CPI and Incomes


US Employment and Profits


US Goods Trade Deficits


US House Prices


US Internal Immigration movement


US Debt to Income and Mortgages




US Employment Participation and Gender


US Poverty


US Strategic Petroleum Reserve


US Unemployment


US-China – Ship Construction, VLS Cell Production (Vertical Launch System)

H/T Nyleta


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