
Dutch mortgages | Mortgages for expats in the Netherlands

Buying a property in the Netherlands is not just about finding and obtaining your dream home. In order to get a mortgage (hypotheek) you need to enter into a financial and legal agreement with a Dutch bank or institution. Here’s what you need to know about getting a mortgage as an expat in the Netherlands:

Mortgages for expats in the Netherlands

Need some help finding a mortgage provider? Here is a useful list of expat-friendly mortgage providers in the Netherlands.

Dutch mortgages: 2024 updates

New rules for mortgages are occasionally introduced. If you are interested in buying a house, make sure you are up to date with the latest Dutch mortgage rules.

Who can get a mortgage in the Netherlands?

Most people who want to buy a house in the Netherlands have to get a mortgage. What are the requirements for getting a Dutch mortgage? Does it matter if you are an EU citizen or a non-EU citizen? Can you get a mortgage if you are self-employed? Find the answers to these questions and more on the basic requirements for Dutch mortgages page.

What types of mortgages are best for expats?

There are many types of mortgages to choose from in the Netherlands. What mortgage should you choose as an international? Well, it all depends on your personal lifestyle and circumstances, of course. To make the choice easier, here are the different types of Dutch mortgages expats can choose from.

Dutch mortgages: fees, additional costs and tax relief

What is the difference between arranging a mortgage directly with your Dutch bank and working with a mortgage provider? What about the additional costs (kosten koper) and tax relief? When taking out a mortgage, it’s important to know exactly the mortgage costs and fees.

The Dutch mortgage process in 8 steps

The mortgage process in the Netherlands can be confusing, which is why we have created a useful checklist with the Dutch mortgage process in 8 steps.

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