
Dining with the Don — Recess tumbleweed — Starmer in Scotland – POLITICO

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Good afternoon. This is Rosa Prince, standing in for Emilio Casalicchio while he bums ’round Spain.

Housekeeping note: I’ll be back writing AM on Monday but there’s no PM because of the bank holiday. Dan Bloom is your Playbook PM author Tuesday.


— Boris Johnson chowed down with Donald Trump.

Rishi Sunak had a quiet one in his constituency — having flown in by chopper.

— With more interest rate rises likely, Jeremy Hunt said recession was a price worth paying to curb inflation.

— Keir Starmer campaigned in COVID rule-breaker Margaret Ferrier’s seat.

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OH TO BE A FLY ON THE WALL: Donald Trump hosted Boris Johnson for dinner last night, where they apparently discussed “the situation in Ukraine and the vital importance of Ukrainian victory,” his spokesman said in the last hour. With the ex-president already mounting a comeback, and the ex-PM constantly plotting one, they must have had plenty more to discuss.

Knowing our place: Somewhat humbling for both Bojo and, well, British politics in general, the get-together was revealed by the New York Times’ Alan Blinder, but didn’t actually make the cut for the writeup of his interview with the orange guy.

Back to his homeland: Johnson has been in the U.S. for a week now; as POLITICO’S Annabelle Dickson reported, he joined Republican leaders in Dallas to drum up support for arming Ukraine, before raking in a bit of cash with a public speaking event in Las Vegas.

Party on: Keir Starmer told broadcasters earlier that Johnson had “questions to answer” after police launched a fresh investigation into suggestions he broke lockdown rules by hosting gatherings at Chequers and Downing Street. Boris cheerleader in chief Nadine Dorries on the other hand suggests it may have been the junior officials keeping his diaries that made a mistake. Hmmmm.

Don’t call it a comeback: Dorries said she spoke to Johnson at 4am, and “I got the strong impression that making a return is the last thing on his mind.” She was speaking on her TalkTV show, which the Guardian quotes.

RECESS DOLDRUMS: Meanwhile, back home, tumbleweed whips around Westminster Hall; the Commons chamber lies empty; only the ghosts haunt the Burma Road. The PM is in his constituency. Yes, recess has begun and if today is anything to go by, it looks like we’re in for a quiet one.

PM relaxes: Neither shaken nor stirred from having his front gate crashed into yesterday, Rishi Sunak has departed to spend the long weekend in his Richmond constituency. He’ll be doing a few local visits and catching up on the red boxes. And spending a little time curled up on a deckchair beside the pool with a bonkbuster, hopefully.

It’s a chopper, baby: Not bovvered by criticism of his favorite means of travel, Sunak flew north by chopper, landing in the garden of wealthy pal Bobby Arora near Manchester, where he stayed for a two hour visit Thursday evening before flying on to North Yorkshire. The Guardian had the scoop, which was confirmed by No. 10. A spokesperson said he needed to make the most efficient use of his time, and as the visit was made in a personal and party capacity, the taxpayer would not be footing the bill. A round trip to Richmond by chopper costs around £16,000.

Hello Darlington: Sunak met with Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google’s parent company Alphabet, at the government’s Darlington Economic Campus earlier. No. 10 said they discussed the government’s plans to make the U.K. a “science and technology superpower” and spoke about the need to strike the right balance to “ensure the right regulatory guardrails are in place” to regulate AI.

Blob detente: And after all the stresses of the last week — record migration figures, his G7 trip to Japan being overshadowed by speedy Suella Braverman, those not-quite-as-rosy-as-first-appeared inflation figures — here’s a smidgen of good news for Sunak: this afternoon both the FDA and Prospect unions called off strikes and entered pay negotiations with the government.

THEY’RE GOING SKY HIGH, FOLKS: And then there’s the not-so-good news, as Nationwide became the first lender to raise mortgage rates, ratcheting up the pressure on the government over persistent inflation and the impact that’s likely to have on interest rates and the cost of borrowing.

Chilled: Jeremy Hunt is intensely relaxed about interest rate rises and recession. OK, he didn’t quite say that this morning, but he did tell Sky News in an interview this morning that recession is the price worth paying if further increases are necessary to curb inflation. Asked if he was comfortable with the tradeoff, Hunt said: “Yes, because in the end inflation is a source of instability.”

Not bying it: Keir Starmer was asked about rising mortgage costs during a pool interview while on a visit to Scotland (more on that below). He said: “Almost nobody feels better off after 13 years of this government. I’m really worried about mortgages. People are struggling to pay the bills. Mortgages are a big part of that.” Lib Dem Deputy Leader Daisy Cooper added: “This government’s failure to cut inflation is sending mortgage rates spiralling as the Conservative economic chaos continues.”

And if things weren’t bad enough: The team at NationalWorld has crunched the numbers and say that as well as having among the highest CPI and core inflation figures in the G7, the U.K. is also the worst-hit major European economy when it comes to food price inflation.

Hunt’s visitors: The chancellor had some pretty cool visitors this afternoon — the American tech entrepreneur Winklevoss twins. PoliticalPics spied them.

STARTING TO GET EXCITING: Labour’s lead over the Conservatives dipped another point to 44 percent, while the Tories were up one on 30 percent, in the latest weekly poll by Techne UK. The lead of 14 points remains pretty hefty, but it’s the latest sign Keir Starmer may not be on course for the landslide he needs to secure a majority at the general election. Net confidence in the government is also up too, but still stands at a turgid -6 percent. FWIW the Lib Dems are up one on 11 percent, and the Greens are up one on 5 percent. They overtake Reform on 4 percent, down one.

Ahead of the game: A separate poll by Redfield and Wilton Strategies gives Labour the lead on every issue bar Ukraine. The pollsters also find that 43 percent of voters would be satisfied if Labour won the next election, compared to 30 percent who would be satisfied if the Tories emerged as victors.

Ninth time’s a charm? With Reform floundering, the Telegraph’s Christopher Hope has been having a natter with Nigel Farage for his own Chopper’s Politics newsletter — who tells him he is mulling retaking the party’s reins, and believes he could pick up five million votes if he did.

Eternal optimist: Farage says he has been triggered by news of record migration levels, and would relish another tilt. “Packing my suitcase and going around the country would be enormous fun and give a lot of people hope. It took me 15 minutes to get out of the petrol station yesterday.” Lest we forget, Farage has tried and failed to become an MP eight times now.

MEANWHILE IN LONDON: The Standard’s Ross Lydall hears the Conservatives have pushed back publishing the shortlist for the London mayoral candidate selection by a week, apparently because some candidates may not meet eligibility requirements, which include such niceties as having been a party member for three months and, um, being a Londoner. CCHQ said it wouldn’t comment on an “internal matter.”


KEIR NORTH OF THE BORDER: At least Keir Starmer is out and about today, which is a relief because otherwise this newsletter would be looking very sparse indeed. The Labour leader is in Scotland, his fifth visit since Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation and the bad-tempered contest that followed which, coupled with the SNP’s subsequent police and financial woes, have given party chiefs great expectations of picking up seats north of the border.

Early bird special: In fact, Starmer is hoping to steal one seat even before the general election. His Scottish tour starts in Rutherglen, South Lanarkshire, where COVID rule-breaker Margaret Ferrier faces a recall petition and potential by-election. He told Heart Scotland he was in “no doubt” the recall petition would result in a by-election that Labour would win.

Eye-roll: Starmer also told Baur Media’s Alan Smith of his frustration that Ferrier’s recall was delayed because not enough MPs turned up to vote on the standards committee recommendation of a 30-day suspension yesterday. If approved, the suspension would trigger that recall petition which would in turn lead to a by-election in her constituency of Rutherglen and Hamilton West if enough voters backed it. Ferrier has already pleaded guilty to culpable and reckless conduct, for traveling to and from London after testing positive for the virus.


ALWAYS SUNNY IN RWANDA: Rwanda’s High Commissioner to the U.K. Johnston Busingye says the debate around the government’s controversial deportation scheme has led to “outdated and frankly backward impressions” of his country, which have derailed global progress on migration. Writing for Comment Central, he condemns “dithering” U.K. lawmakers and criticizes the archbishop of Canterbury for condemning the scheme.

EVEN WORSE THAN WE THOUGHT: Shadow AG Emily Thornberry has written to oppo Victoria Prentis over stats in the NationalWorld which appear to suggest the frankly deplorable rape conviction rate could be even lower than thought. She has asked for clarity over suggestions rapists said to have been prosecuted by police were in fact charged with other offenses.

ON THE STRAIGHT AND NARROW: Prisons and Probation Minister Damian Hinds announced £15 million for projects to help vulnerable women stay away from crime. A third of offenders have a history of drug abuse, and two thirds have experienced domestic violence. Hinds said: “We know that female offenders often turn to crime because of poor mental health or drug abuse so it is absolutely vital we address those underlying issues to stop their offending. “

FREE FOR ALL: Tower Hamlets will become the first local authority in the country to provide free school meals for all pupils, after the £5.7 million plan was approved at a council meeting this week. The BBC has a writeup.

WHAT THE ACTUAL? Investigator Nick Willis, who has written a book about the Post Office scandal, has now unearthed guidance issued to its investigators which shows they were asked to classify the racial characteristics of suspects, including a category for “Negroid Types.” The Post Office apologized for what it admitted was “racist language” and says the fact it was 15 years old was no excuse.

STEADY ON: Try to listen without blushing to Mariella Frostrup read the saucy bits from Cleo Watson’s new bonkbuster, Whips. Matt Chorley couldn’t.

OFF YOUR BIKE: British Cycling barred transgender women cyclists from its female competition category. The Beeb has a writeup.

Bullying probe halted: An investigation into non-aligned peer Kishwer Falkner, chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, has been halted by the rights watchdog amid suggestions she may have been subject to a “witch hunt” by staff members opposed to her stance on trans rights, the Times reports.

Say sorry: Meanwhile, Bloomberg’s Ellen Milligan has got hold of a government-commissioned report which says the PM should apologize for the mistreatment of LGBTQ members of the armed forces. The report was led by crossbench peer and retired judge Terence Etherton.

ALL YOUR FAULT: Wales First Minister Mark Drakeford says this week’s Cardiff riots are the fault of Westminster, according to the Guardian.

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WE WANT SOME: The Tory merch gets better and better, and now Chairman Greg Hands is flogging “Keir Starmer flip flops,” “durable and suitable for frequent use.” Yours for only £16.99.

REALLY COOL IN JAPAN: The FT’s Jim Pickard shared on Twitter his stunning pic from last weekend’s G7.


FROM SUDAN: The BBC have a really grim follow-up story from Sudan, reporting that an 85-year-old British citizen living there was shot (and injured) by snipers and then saw his wife die of starvation after conflict broke out in the north African country. The couple made repeated calls for assistance to the British embassy in Khartoum, which was near their home. But Abdalla Sholgami and his 80-year-old, disabled, wife Alaweya Rishwan were not offered any support to travel from their home to the evacuation zone airfield — despite a British military team evacuating staff from the embassy over the road. There’s more to the story you can read here.

FCDO response: A spokesperson for the Foreign Office said: “The Sholgamis’ case is extremely sad. The ongoing military conflict means Sudan remains dangerous. Our ability to provide consular assistance is severely limited and we cannot provide in-person support within Sudan.”

FROM UKRAINE: With Russia stepping up its missile campaign ahead of Ukraine’s expected counteroffensive, at least two people have been killed following a strike on a hospital in Dnipro according to the city’s regional governor. Another 23 were injured, including two boys aged three and six. More from the Beeb here.

FROM THE INTERNET: The guy behind ChatGPT has no plans to pull out of the EU after all. Sam Altman— who runs OpenAI — tweeted as such, cooling speculation fuelled by comments he reportedly made Wednesday about pulling his company out of the EU if Brussels legislated too harshly on AI. POLITICO colleague and expert Laura Kayali has the context here.

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LEADING THE NEWS BULLETINS: Channel 5 News (5 p.m.) is leading on the sentencing of Shannon Marsden and Stephen Boden for the murder of Finley Boden … Channel 4 News (7 p.m.) are leading on the economy and the threat of further interest rate rises.

Tom Swarbrick at Drive (LBC, until 6 p.m.): Computational neuroscience professor (Oxford) Timothy Behrens (5.35 p.m.).

Drive with Cathy Newman (Times Radio, until 7 p.m.): Tory peer Kate Fall and Labour peer Dianne Hayter (5.35 p.m.).


SATURDAY: Tomorrow is the last day of the Chelsea Flower Show. Playbook’s mole saw David Cameron there the other day, so you never know who you’ll run into.

SUNDAY: Health Secretary Steve Barclay will be on the Sunday show sofas.

Trains: Transpennine Express’ current contract will expire, with the service formally brought into public control.

In sports news: The Premier League season comes to a close. Rishi Sunak’s relegated Southampton will play their last top flight game for at least a season … Keir Starmer’s own Arsenal will finish second after their title challenge collapsed under the weight of Man City’s billions … and spare a thought for SNP Westminster boss Stephen Flynn — his beloved Dundee United face relegation from the Scottish top flight (again) Sunday, barring a minor miracle.

No spoilers: It’s the grand finale of Succession late-late Sunday. Playbook PM is a few episodes behind so no one say anything.

MONDAY: It’s a bank holiday. Try not to think about politics. Beyoncé will be playing in London too — you might overhear her if you live North London way.

That said: More than 400 HMRC workers will go on strike in Glasgow and Newcastle.


Week in Westminster (Radio 4, 11 a.m. on Saturday): The Spectator’s Isabel Hardman presents, with former No. 10 chief of staff Nick Timothy, deputy Commons speaker Nigel Evans and U.K. AI Skills Champion Wendy Hall.

Sophy Ridge on Sunday (Sky News, 8.30 a.m. on Sunday): Health Secretary Steve Barclay, Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary Jonathan Ashworth and the Migration Advisory Committee’s Brian Bell.

Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg (BBC One, 9 a.m. on Sunday): Health Secretary Steve Barclay and Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary Jonathan Ashworth.

The Camilla Tominey Show (GB News, 9.30 a.m. on Sunday): Former Aussie Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, Tory MP David Davis and former Defense Secretary John Hutton. Plus comedian John Cleese.

Sunday Morning with Kate McCann and Adam Boulton is off for recess.

Carole Walker with Times Radio drive (Times Radio, 4 p.m. on Sunday): Defense committee Chairman Tobias Ellwood … Shadow Disabilities Minister Vicky Foxcroft … SNP MP Drew Hendry … and your own Playbook author Rosa Prince.

The Andrew Neil Show (Channel 4, 6 p.m. on Sunday) is off for recess.

Gloria Meets (GB News, 6 p.m. on Sunday): Former Northern Irish FM Arlene Foster, Tory London mayoral hopeful Paul Scully and Tory MP Paul Maynard.

Westminster Hour (Radio 4, 10 p.m. on Sunday): Tory MP Robert Buckland … Shadow Paymaster General Fleur Anderson … The Sun’s Natasha Clark … and the FT’s Miranda Green.


PACKED LUNCH OR PARL LUNCH: Might be best to opt for the packed lunch if you’re in Westminster Monday, as all venues will be closed for the bank holiday. For the rest of recess, the Despatch Box will open 7.30 a.m.-5 p.m. … Courtyard Coffee, Terrace Cafeteria, Debate and The Table 8 a.m.-5 p.m. … and Jubilee Cafe 10 a.m.-5 p.m. All other venues will be closed until June 5.

STILL ESSENTIAL LISTENING: If you’ll forgive your Playbook author giving this another plug, today’s Westminster Insider episode on the art of the political interview really is a great listen.

Now hiring: The Social Market Foundation think tank are looking for a new director — apply here … Reform — the think tank, not the populist political party — are looking for a senior researcher with a specialism in education. Deets here.

CULTURE FIX: Bookworm former Scottish FM Nicola Sturgeon is the star attraction at the Aye Write book festival in Glasgow this evening with an in-conversation event with her pal Janey Godley, the comedian and author. The event is at 7.45 p.m. — you can still buy tickets here. There’s more politics to come in the next few days too, including Ian Dunt giving a talk tomorrow on his book about broken Westminster.

Gunners look away now: Congrats to London resident Harry Kane, who was awarded the Freedom of the City at a ceremony yesterday. The Indy has a video.

Mea culpa: This morning’s Playbook referenced a Redfield poll showing the Tories ahead of Labour in the red wall. They were actually ahead in the so-called ‘blue wall.’

THANKS TO: My editor Matt Honeycombe-Foster, Playbook reporter Andrew McDonald and the POLITICO production team for making it look nice.

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