
Basic requirements for expats in the Netherlands

For expats, Dutch banks require proof of income via a permanent employment contract and also a statement from your employer (werkgeversverklaring) giving details over your contract and salary.

If you have a temporary contract, or work for a Dutch university as a PhD student or researcher, then you also need to provide a statement from your employer or institution confirming that your position is on-going or will become permanent.

Remember that your statement still needs to be approved by your mortgage provider before your financing is guaranteed.

Mortgages for self-employed expats

It is more difficult for a self-employed person (ondernemer) to receive a mortgage than for an employee because banks consider entrepreneurs to be riskier. Banks calculate your mortgage based on your net income of the last three years, for which you need to provide bank account records and income tax returns.

If you have been self-employed for more than three years then it will be easier to get a mortgage than if you have just started.

Mortgages for EU citizens

If you are an EU citizen (but not a Dutch national) banks may require you to fulfil some or all of the following conditions:

  • You have lived in the Netherlands for five years.
  • You are employed and financially independent.
  • You may need to pay a deposit.
  • Your mortgage may be limited to 90 percent or less of the property value.

If you are able to provide a deposit then mortgage providers may not require you to have lived in the Netherlands for five years.

Mortgages for non-EU citizens

Applicants from outside the EU will have similar requirements as for EU citizens, although banks may be stricter in enforcing them. You may also need to prove that your residence permit can be extended.

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