
3 Double-Digit Yielding REITs I’m Buying

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Yesterday I wrote an article titled A Case For Avoiding High Yielding REITs, in which I explained that “one of the most valuable lessons that I learned as a developer is that the more debt you

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Brad Thomas

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A picture containing diagram Description automatically generated

ABR – Investor Presentation

ABR - Fact Sheet

ABR – Fact Sheet

Chart, waterfall chart Description automatically generated

FAST Graphs (compiled by iREIT)

Chart, line chart Description automatically generated

ABR – Supplemental

Chart, histogram Description automatically generated

FAST Graphs

Map Description automatically generated

BXMT – Investor Presentation

Chart, bar chart Description automatically generated

FAST Graphs (compiled by iREIT)

Chart, bar chart Description automatically generated

BXMT – Investor Presentation

Chart, histogram Description automatically generated

FAST Graphs


STWD – Supplemental

Chart, bar chart, waterfall chart Description automatically generated

FAST Graphs (compiled by iREIT)

Chart, bar chart Description automatically generated

STWD – Earnings Release

Chart, histogram Description automatically generated

FAST Graphs

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