
UK travellers warned over passport and money rule that could get you stopped at airport

Brits are being urged to know about passport and money rules that could result in being denied entry to a country.

Each country has its own set of entry requirements, so it’s crucial for travellers to familiarise themselves with the rules of their chosen destination. Tourists can be barred from entering a country for a variety of reasons that might slip your mind before you leave, such as not having proof of onward travel or damage to your passport.

While being denied entry to a country might seem like something that only happens under extreme circumstances, it actually occurs quite frequently – and often for less serious reasons than you might anticipate. Travel experts at have compiled a list of seven reasons why tourists could be refused entry to a country and potentially detained.

Damage to passport

Even minor damage like a small tear or water damage could lead to officials detaining you for questioning and declaring your passport invalid. If your personal details are hard to read or any of the pages are stained with substances like ink or makeup, your passport could be deemed invalid.

Taking medicine abroad

Before jetting off to your dream destination, it’s crucial to check the rules around medication. Some over-the-counter drugs in the UK might be regulated or even banned elsewhere.

If you’re carrying medical equipment like syringes, ensure they’re in their original, labelled packaging. It’s also a good idea to carry copies of any prescriptions, just in case you need to show them to officials.

Lack of vaccinations

Falling short on necessary jabs could see you turned away at the border. Some countries demand proof of vaccination against certain diseases.

The risk is higher if you’re planning to backpack, visit rural areas, or stay in hostels. To avoid disappointment, consult with a doctor or travel clinic at least eight weeks before your trip to find out what vaccinations you’ll need.

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