
Six Northumberland private gardens to open this summer to raise money for charity

Six Northumberland gardens usually closed to the public will open their gates this summer with the aim of raising money for a local hospice.

For the last 15 years, Hospice Care North Northumberland has hosted Open Garden Season, where members of the public are able to explore gardens they would usually not have access to. Such events have raised more than £200,000 since they started for the Alnwick-based palliative care charity.

This year’s programme includes a return for Hedgeley Hall in Powburn, which hosts the first event of the year on May 27. The others include Foxbury House in Lesbury, Glanton Pyke at Glanton, The Friary at Alnmouth, Cheswick House in Cheswick, and Blagdon Hall in Blagdon.

Read more: Northumberland beauty spot 10K run returns to raise funds for local hospice

Glanton Pyke has been billed as a particular highlight, based around a house that was altered by renowned Newcastle architect John Dobson in the early 19th century. Its extensive gardens have views of the Cheviots and over Whittingham Vale, with a huge variety of plants, trees and shrubs.

All money raised from Open Garden Season towards the running costs of HospiceCare North Northumberland’s running costs for clinical services, which are delivered people to their homes in the area. Jane Stratton, of the charity’s fundraising and events team, said that last year’s return after Covid was a “huge success” and hope to build upon that, despite freezing ticket prices.

The gardens at Hedgeley Hall in Powburn(Image: Margaret Whittaker)

Jane told ChronicleLive: “Our income increased but we did not raise prices and have held them again this years we recognise the challenging times we are all living through. We get people from all over the North East who get to see private gardens and explore some of the hidden secret gardens of Northumberland and support the Hospice at the same time.

She hopes that this year will see the profile of the Hospice continue to grow with the event. She finished: “We meet a lot of people and get the opportunity to say hello, raise the profile of HospiceCare, and let people know a bit more about what we do, whilst enjoying themselves in lovely local gardens.

Blagdon House(Image: UGC TNE)

“This year, we want to welcome lots of people, new and old friends to the Hospice family. We also want to reach more people and spread the word about what the hospice does and who benefits from the care the Hospice can and does provide to people in North Northumberland.”

As well as hosting its annual Open Garden Season, HospiceCare North Northumberland is hosting the Druridge Bay 10K and junior run on May 27. Cycling Shakespearean actors The Handlebards are also returning to the North East to do their first show solely in aid of HospiceCare in August.

To find out more and to get tickets about the Open Gardens season at HospiceCare North Northumberland, visit the website.

Are you planning on visiting any of the private gardens opening for one day only? Let us know!

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