
Shortages in skilled tradespeople like plumbers and carpenters cost UK £12bn a YEAR

SHORTAGES in skilled tradespeople like plumbers and carpenters could cost the UK a staggering £12billion per year.

Research by Kingfisher revealed the sector has a shortage of 166,000 tradespeople and vacancy levels close to record highs.

The shortages could cost the UK billions, according to experts

But numbers are expected to reach 250,000 in the next decade as more homeowners plan to turn their homes energy-efficient – installing insulation, heat pumps and solar panels.

The biggest shortages are set to be among electricians, plumbing and heating installers, and carpenters or joiners.

The East and West Midlands are the most hit by the shortfall, and experts said numbers could rise to 35,000.

As a result, economic growth will fall and the GDP will be reduced by £14.5 billion and £12.1 billion respectively, by 2030.

A survey of 1,000 people between 16–25 found more than half were never encouraged to consider, or provided information about, a trade career when they were at school.

Half (49 per cent) of young people said they have never considered a career in the trades.

Yet looking back, 42 per cent would have liked more information about trade roles before deciding on their career path.

The research also revealed a stark gender divide when it comes to trade careers.

Only 35 per cent of young women said they had considered a career in the trades, compared to 60 per cent of young men.

Currently, just two per cent of the UK’s 900,000 tradespeople are women.

And if the number of women tradespeople increased to just one third of the current number of men, it would solve the UK’s projected 2030 tradesperson shortage.

Doubling the number would boost growth by over £800m per year, according to the Kingfisher and Cebr findings.

The study was commissioned by owners of B&Q and Screwfix, in partnership with economics consultancy Cebr.

Kingfisher CEO Thierry Garnier said: “Tradespeople play a vital role in our economy and society – from improving and maintaining the nation’s homes to installing energy efficiency measures that cut bills and emissions.

“To maximise the UK’s growth but also to progress towards net zero over the coming decade, it’s vital that business and Government work together to encourage and support more young people to consider trade roles – particularly young women who are seriously underrepresented.”

A separate survey of 2,000 adults also found that tradesperson shortages are already having an impact across the country.

And one in five (19 per cent) have had to cancel or postpone a project in the last five years due to not being able to find a suitable tradesperson.

But over a third (37 per cent) think young people are discouraged – by parents, schools, and the government – from considering a trade career.

Among parents, 61 per cent think children are being put off from trade careers by a focus from schools on academic rather than vocational career paths.

Thierry Garnier added: “Trade careers are high-quality, skilled jobs, with significant earnings potential, and they should be valued just as highly as career options which require a university degree.”

The study found the UK sector has a shortage of 166,000 tradespeopleCredit: Not known, clear with picture desk

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