
Santa’s sleigh tour raises spirits and money for charity

MORE than £5,300 was raised for charity by the Henley Lions’ Santa’s sleigh tour of Henley.

It is the sixth year the Lions have run the event, having taken it over from Henley Round Table, which disbanded in 2017.

Each night from December 6 to 15 the illuminated sleigh visited different streets accompanied by volunteers, or “elves”, who collected donations.

Money was also raised through a Just Giving page.

Pam Philips, a former Henley mayor who organises the event, said: “The main reason we keep doing it is to bring joy to the children of Henley.

“These days, so many things don’t happen anymore. This brings the excitement of seeing Santa pass their house.

“It seemed to have gone extremely well. We’ve become a bit more organised. There’s a tracker on the sleigh so people can track it going through Henley and we published the street names on the website. Very sadly, we were unable to visit Shiplake this year.

“It was very well received and the money will be sent to people who need help.”

Mrs Phillips, of St Mark’s Road, who is recovering from hip surgery, “It wasn’t difficult to organise because I already had everyone’s contact details but I was a bit worried because I wasn’t there. We had one new driver but we put things in place for him. The night before he was going to drive, he drove behind Santa to see how it was all done. He really got into the festive spirit.”

Dave Adamson, president of Henley Lions Club, said: “Pam has an untiring commitment to bring that joy and happiness to Henley. She knows how much it means to the town.

“She did as much as she could from home and the Lions had to step up to the plate for the in-person duties. We co-ordinated with the elves and the sleigh drivers and created the rota. It shows the resilience and continuity of the Lions. December is a very busy time for the Lions and Friends of the Lions. Each year, they add to Henley’s festive spirit by bringing Santa’s magical ride through town, delivering Christmas parcels and funding holiday entertainment for clubs and schools.

“These activities help make the holiday season a little more special for people of all ages and the Lions take great pride in providing them.

“Like many organisations, we have needed to be adaptable over the last few years given the challenges posed by the pandemic, the economic climate and the energy crisis.

“Unfortunately, events such as the hugely popular Santa’s grotto at Toad Hall garden centre were impacted but new services have been added such as the winter fuel allowance appeal that the Lions provide in co-operation with Citizens Advice.”

Mr Adams added: “The Lions are keen to roll up their sleeves to continue and increase the number and quality of their activities in keeping with their motto of ‘We Serve’.

“In the New Year, we plan to grow with the generous support of the Henley community. This support can be provided through donations but we also need more members to help with the events and manage how the money raised is distributed.

“Serving can be extremely rewarding and fun and your support can have a huge impact on the lives of others.

“Those with limited time can help as a Friend of the Lions or those able to give a bit more time can become full members.

“The club meets once a month in the evening for 90 minutes. All members serve voluntarily. No charity sector or previous voluntary work experience is needed but we do need a range of skills, experience and enthusiasm.”

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