BANGOR, Maine (WABI) – The Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center Auxiliary is on their way to raising enough funds to purchase a new neonatal transport ambulance.
They reviewed the need for a new ambulance, named Miracle-2, at their Lunch and Learn program Thursday.
Northern Light EMMC is home to the only level three neonatal intensive care unit north of Portland.
Each year, the NICU teams care for more than 450 premature babies and critically ill newborns.
120 of those infants are born at community hospitals.
The Neonatal Transport Team of specially trained nurses is ready within minutes to help a baby that needs to be taken to the NICU for more specialized care.
“We really have to transport the babies to the hospitals that have a NICU, so it’s very important that the ride is very smooth, and sometimes, it’s from far away hospitals and faraway places in the state,” said Nazrin Dixon, President of the Northern Light EMMC Auxiliary.
“As you know, the roads, especially in the wintertime, aren’t always the safest in rural Maine, and we need our babies to have a smooth and safe ride, and we need our transport teams to be safe,” said Jay Kerecman, MD, M Sci, Neonatologist and NICU Transport Medical Director.
The Auxiliary is in the middle of a five-year pledge to raise 125-thousand dollars to purchase Miracle-2.
That money was raised through fundraisers and sponsorships by local businesses.
The Auxiliary’s signature fundraiser – the Annual Kitchen Tour is kicking off November 5th.
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