
Northern Ireland community projects facing “cliff edge” as EU money runs out

Community projects in Northern Ireland are facing a “cliff edge” as EU funding expires next week, while the UK’s replacement funding has not yet been allocated, the Lords heard on Tuesday.

Baroness Ritchie of Downpatrick, former leader of the SDLP, challenged the Government in the House of Lords over its failure to allocate equivalent cash for projects benefiting from the European Social Fund.

Her comments came as other peers said farmers risk falling in the “gap” between the end of European agriculture funding and the UK’s replacement schemes.

Read more: Loss of European Social Fund ‘will cripple communities and cost the government more in the long run’

Lady Ritchie said: “Many social economy projects in Northern Ireland have relied on the European Social Fund for many years.

“And, because that funding is due to end next week, they face a cliff edge because they have not received any communication about funding allocations from the UK Prosperity Fund to enable such social economy projects to continue with their good work right across the communities.”

She urged Treasury minister Baroness Penn to “ensure this funding is made available to such projects that do such good work for the benefit of all”.

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